no it doesn't, your post is complete nonsense, having 300 english players in the premiership will only lead to the best 50 playing against worst competition week in and week out leading to them being worse players. The quality of english players is in general fine, we have more than enough quality like for like than any other national team, just hopeless managers who let Joe Public dictate whose in the squad.
You do realise that, in general our youth and younger premiership stars tend to make FAR FAR FAR more than their worldwide counterparts already. I mean, we frequently have 14-18yr old kids being treated like gods, fought over by clubs and then given 15-20k a week, where elsewhere in the world they aren't. Most of the bad attitudes, I'm thinking Pennant, Bentley and his gambling problems and ego, Barton, Rooney with attitude, gambling, reacting and geting into trouble, etc, etc. You don't think that is already a problem , which is largely down to kids growing up being taught they are just better than everyone else.
If our players week in and week out play against much worse players, they can't be as good, its true for every other sport in the world, every other thing I can think of. Competing against the best is how you improve, the idea we'll get better is such utter crap. You think if we played Andorra every week we'd get better at beating Brazil? Or if we played Brazil, Italy and France every week we'd get better at beating the best teams.
I thought it was fairly obvious when i mentioned it that a salery cap could be imposed across the board. Frankly spanish and italian leagues would have no problem limiting the spending power of Chelski, City and Man U as they already find it hard to compete. as for where would the money go, what money. Chelsea don't generate profit and pay their players an appropriate amount, they make £80 million a year loss due to massive wages that the owner simply shells out. Frankly a wage cap has more chance of saving Chelsea than hurting them, if Abramovich gets bored and prefers to see the club dissolve than pay £80million a year losses Chelsea would have to sell 75% of the team to balance their budget.
I find it hard that its hurting footballers to be limited to 3-4million a years wages, before sponsorship deals which could be another 10mil easy, how will they live with such little money