Wow are we still failing to collectively subtract one number from another to find a net figure?
Wow are we still failing to collectively subtract one number from another to find a net figure?
Khan is a terrible speaker.
We literally do not send 350m!
Sounded a bit nervous but got much louder cheers.
I haven't tried to shout you down by the way, you have your opinion and I respect that, I just can't understand how an opinion can be formed on incorrect information and assumptions thats all.
You're so close...
The rebate never leaves Britain. We can spend it on whatever the hell we want. So we send somewhere in the region of £250m a week to the EU. Of that, some of that comes back, and that's the money that comes with strings attached.
More in the region of about £160 million, not £250 million and it will cost about that much if we want to access the EU trading market, not to mention adopting a lot of the regulations in order to do so, take Norway, they have that exact deal and although they are not technically in the EU, they have adopted about 3 quarters of the same regulations that a member has.
Christ on a bike... we do not send £350m to the EU.
At any point.
The rebate (read, "discount") is applied then we pay our dues, then some of what's left is spent in the UK.
£350m a week is our gross liability to the EU, it's a valid figure to use. The poster you were having a go at also went on to clarify that we get some of that money back. I don't know why you felt it was OK to attack someone for being correct.
The TUC woman looks like she's about to burst into tears.
No, no it is not!
If we're guaranteed to have some of it back, it is a lie to say we give £350m a week away, because we don't.