The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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Voted Remain. Can understand why some (UK Based) would vote out, although don't agree with the reasons, too much is up in the air.

Closer to home (for me), remain is the only option. Alternative would be a whole world of pain for Gib.
OCUK's current poll is 56.25% IN, and 43.75% out (at 64 votes)

Will be interesting to see how this progresses throughout the day.

13 hours and 20 mins left to vote.
Got £15000 saved up over last 10 years. Need about £20000 removed from the value of the houses in the area I want to buy so I can afford the size I want. Voting out to cause a housing price crash today. have a house? vote in! want a house? vote out!
I'm suprised, according to that previous infographic the people of the independant were meant to be havily in favour of remaining. Come the poll on there website and it's far closer, it's currently 51% remain. Surprisingly low lead for what is meant to be one of the best broadsheets with a more liberal and thorough outlook. It's as if the small polling numbers of some polls don't equate to good measurements.
Got £15000 saved up over last 10 years. Need about £20000 removed from the value of the houses in the area I want to buy so I can afford the size I want. Voting out to cause a housing price crash today. have a house? vote in! want a house? vote out!

Pretty sure that's not how its going to work lol

Not to mention the "possibility" that people *could* lose jobs and not afford houses anyway.
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