The pokes in the following wall are not directed at Tunney:
Scorzas of the world regressively arguing against this form of democracy, in favour of the great representative justice of FPTP, direct democracy, some other mob rule abomination or 'enlightened' third-way dictatorship, without thought, are stuck up zugzwang creek without a paddle! I don't think there is a sane way to help them not to be terrified of their own shadow; I wish there were.
The Power Plc has been on a more accountable roll since the dawn of the modern era. But you have to use your vote, and think before you vote, for all these accountability mechanisms to mean a thing, or indeed work properly. Reform's a thing! Good leadership does exist. Big money, should they act to harm or incite harm, can be overcome by pooling democratic power together where it makes the most sense.
Not all politicians are there, taking abuse day after day, to feather their own nest and leave the world worse off than they've found it; or maybe that's what you would prefer, as long as it didn't make you think too much? Hmm? Nice and local but not bifocal?
Everyone's fallible but not everyone's a cretin, or a born conspirator against the common good, who has sucked in plots to crush 'the man' with his mother's milk! Christ on a bike!
Fleeing from the world, and trudging off to a local council and then general election once in a blue moon, won't solve global problems democratically or in your interest, nor will it ensure fairness or social justice to please all and sundry! Because if you don't trust in politics to deliver practical solutions to seemingly unassailable problems, and argue for such concrete solutions, farting about with meaningless protest is not better than slowly bleeding out to sweet oblivion under a pile of Daily Mail! You may have to cast your net, experience and reason a bit wider if you wan't to drag anything back but empty promises and broken hopes.
You can't harp on about democracy when the times are hard or uncertain, and it suits your agenda. To then just lull yourself into hibernation during less turbulent economic stretches, when actually you have to step up and take responsibility for your choices and wild claims. So the 'good times' aren't wasted on hot air and populist twaddle and token, ritualistic form of participation along tribal lines!
Your grand critique by scorza's style of 'logic and argument', operating solely out of one's behind, is nothing more than a bleating, snivelling cry against 'complexity' and a terrified, weeping screed for 'certain' solutions and obvious outcomes in a world which can offer
none of the sort! Which can be used to moan about anything without ever having to deliver. To wit, just because you can egg your representative closer to home, doesn't make them any more accountable or effective in a world where a gamble in one country causes a bank run in another. You have to elect people for the job at hand, and send them where they are most needed, at the level appropriate to the task.
TL;DR: Start living today, not a century in the past, damn it!