I finally completed it last night took about 26 hours according to Steam. Some of that is because I had to restart the game & lost about 11 hours. 15-20 hours is about how long it will take on the easy mode its quite tough in several places.
Its a decent overall survival horror title. Very much like Silent Hill 2-5, RE4 on PC & some of the earlier RE games. How Capcom allow this game to be released is bizarre its effectively a direct sequel to RE4
I would not be surprised if a lot of the disbanded Silent Hill/Resident Evil devs worked on this game it feels very close to those earlier titles
If you like survival horror action games this is pretty decent. But its still unstable even with no AA being used it crashes in random places, does not like any trainers or memory hacking to fix FOV/Aspect Ratio. You need to cheat via the .cfg file & bind hotkeys as well as commands for FPS/FOV.
Patching will hopefully make it better but it could have been so much more & I understand why some are letdown by what it is right now. It still continues to sell well on Steam so it found its audience. The gfx are quite good in places there is a lot of detail in the textures buts its still a DX9 level title overall with a few fancy shader post process screen FX.
You really need to get to about chapter 4 or 5 before it starts to improve a lot then up to chapter 13 its a decent experience the last 2 chapters are a bit of a letdown as the location is a bit bland (apart from the boss battle arenas are pretty decent + gruesome
) compared to some of the earlier chapters (chapter 10 is pretty good IMO) but the final boss battle extended sequences are excellent & unique you can tell its made in Japan
If you own the game already persevere its worth completeing if you like survival action horror games this is very solid & even approaches greatness in a few places the technical issues let it down sadly on PC I reckon they should have spent another month or so QAing as clearly it did not get much QA with the random crashes for no apparent reason & in one place the game is unplayable due to the AA filter being totally broken & blurring the screen so you cannot even see what you need to do
shocking basic oversight from Bethesda with their we will patch it soon attitude
(they have been gathering data for a week and are working on the patches now & testing the fullscreen no aspect ratio solution on PC only do not think the consoles can easily get that).