I've got the game working but it's utter rubbish, this is the worst game i've ever played, the key bindings are dreadful, he cant run, he gets no ammo, he's slow and clonky ... he cant fight, it is utterly horrid.
can you imagine playing this krap after Dishonored or Far Cry 3.
i've been spending the last 2 hours swearing like crazy, because he runs 15 feet then stops exhausted, bends over whilst recovering and gets killed from the rear, i've never experienced this type of rubbish in a game before..he should be able to run non stop like in any decent shooter and also no ammo !!!!!
the graphics is rubbish and the 3rd person view is very awkward, it isn't in the least bit scary because it's 100% annoying instead, i'm shocked just how bad this game is....and yet it gets quite good reviews !!!!!!!!!
in the 1st 20 minutes he's walking around limping, he cant even move it is just so bloody annoying, it's not in the least bit intelligent, man i'm really pi**** off tonight..... go **** yourself Bethesda, this game is just total krap.
he's being chased by about 3 of them, then he suddenly stops exhausted... there's me swearing ``MOVE YOU ***** ******``, i could not believe it when i first saw that