The Evil Within

Got Last Lighty finished off again, so restarted this (wasn't that far into it), forgot it doesn't use Xfire as its the Unreal Engine. :p

Beginning part ran like crap still, but now im onto the 2nd part (where you climb out of the crashed ambulance), its running fine, anywhere from 50-70+.
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Got Last Lighty finished off again, so restarted this (wasn't that far into it), forgot it doesn't use Xfire as its the Unreal Engine. :p

Beginning part ran like crap still, but now im onto the 2nd part (where you climb out of the crashed ambulance), its running fine, anywhere from 50-70+.

I believe it's id technology engine, the engine don't support multi GPUs.

Yeah id tech 5
That was a hell of a level, both literally and respectfully.

Things really kick up a gear after that, man.

Took me a while to figure that she kept coming back from the dead buggers :p

Just done the bit where you have to get to the tower, was hoardes of the buggers, they were even hung up in big boxes firing down, sniper rifle took care of those though :D

Im blagging priests! :D:D:D
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Past the giant twins, and now got some big wolf thing to kill that burst from a cage :D

Loved the bit where they carried him to the stocks and chopped his head off, i let them do it a few times, as was funny :p
Knowing exactly what to do definitely makes things easier, but yea, you'll probably die several times before figuring that out. Which is ok! The panic that goes along with those early tries definitely makes for a memorable encounter.
Is that the level in the house?

Yeah I'm on that level. Got frustrating. Seems to have no pattern to appearance and is impossible to kill when he gets close.

Yeah thats the one, chapter 9, i went upstairs for a change, found a library, he apppeared in there, so i ran back out, and just kept running, eventually he went, and it went back to normal, so i did some more mooching, then he appeared again, so i starterd running away again, but he then just popped straight up in front of me, so i ran straight into him, dead, its very frustrating, not enjoying this part at all.
I loved Ch.9. The random appearances made things constantly tense. You could always get away if you didn't panic, but that's easier said than done!

Can I have your hobest, marks out of 10 for this game?
My hobest opinion is that it was tied with Divinity Original Sin as my 2014 Game of the Year. 9/10.

It was a lot like Resident Evil 4 but with better and more inventive combat mechanics, combined with the twisted atmosphere of a Silent Hill game. Pacing is great. Just about every level is unique and memorable. Progression system is very well done. It is challenging. And I thought the fear factor was done well - not many jump scares - it was all about building tension through atmosphere and encounters.

The story and characters are all a bit of a mess, but eh, so are all of the Resident Evil's. Cant really hold that against it too much, but it was the main weak part of the game.

Really, this should have been Resident Evil 5. It is a perfect evolution of the series.

I think the reason it wasn't received as well it should have been was due to technical complaints on the consoles. It ran quite poorly and it had the huge black bars you couldn't get rid of, while still having a fairly close up FoV, making it hard to see things. And your shots matter in this game, so the poor performance probably made it not feel very good to play. I notice that people who played on PC were generally a lot happier with it, especially if you were playing at 60fps(though even a solid 30fps would have been a good improvement) and no(or reduced) black bars.
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