The ex, identity theft and fraud.

She was arrested at 10am this morning; the police failed to give me the heads up to pick up my children and my two sons were there. I had them picked up quick as I could because I was unable to get there myself at such short notice. They did not want me picking the children up before they got there because she might have thought something was happening. Me taking a day off and having them on a different day might have set alarm bells off in her mind and she could have got rid of evidence.

They searched the house and found what the PC handling things said was a lot of evidence. This was documents and other things relating to the frauds she has been part of. A social worker called at the house while the police were searching and checked the house to pick some things up for the kids. When she came to see me she told me she dose not want the kids going back to that house until my ex makes a lots of progress, if ever.

I was called at 10-30pm by the police; she had been processed and interviewed, she has admitted the offences she did in my name and will be appearing in magistrates court on the 14th of February (see the irony! valentines court date for them ex).

Second epic turn of events in a week mate! Well deserved :D
Sad that the boys had to suffer through this, but don't feel guilty about it - from the sound of things your other half brought this on her own head!
Sounds like a great result that will allow you to clear your name regards the debt and a much securer future for your kids! Shame it had to happen though. Great work on getting this sorted sensibly!
She was arrested at 10am this morning; the police failed to give me the heads up to pick up my children and my two sons were there. I had them picked up quick as I could because I was unable to get there myself at such short notice. They did not want me picking the children up before they got there because she might have thought something was happening. Me taking a day off and having them on a different day might have set alarm bells off in her mind and she could have got rid of evidence.

They searched the house and found what the PC handling things said was a lot of evidence. This was documents and other things relating to the frauds she has been part of. A social worker called at the house while the police were searching and checked the house to pick some things up for the kids. When she came to see me she told me she dose not want the kids going back to that house until my ex makes a lots of progress, if ever.

I was called at 10-30pm by the police; she had been processed and interviewed, she has admitted the offences she did in my name and will be appearing in magistrates court on the 14th of February (see the irony! valentines court date for them ex).

High five! Just hope you get reimbursed in some way now.
you need to try to get a residence order for the children as if she collects them from school before you can there is nothing you can legally do to get them back. If social services are helping you, get them to do this with you and provide a report for the judge.

Sorry your kids had to experience it though. But they could have experienced worse i suppose.

Hope things recover swiftly.
She was arrested at 10am this morning; the police failed to give me the heads up to pick up my children and my two sons were there. I had them picked up quick as I could because I was unable to get there myself at such short notice. They did not want me picking the children up before they got there because she might have thought something was happening. Me taking a day off and having them on a different day might have set alarm bells off in her mind and she could have got rid of evidence.

They searched the house and found what the PC handling things said was a lot of evidence. This was documents and other things relating to the frauds she has been part of. A social worker called at the house while the police were searching and checked the house to pick some things up for the kids. When she came to see me she told me she dose not want the kids going back to that house until my ex makes a lots of progress, if ever.

I was called at 10-30pm by the police; she had been processed and interviewed, she has admitted the offences she did in my name and will be appearing in magistrates court on the 14th of February (see the irony! valentines court date for them ex).


Awesome news, I hope you're not left out of pocket over this entire mess.
Sad state of affairs that it come to this but hopefully this has pushed things with the kids in your favor.

That's some great news. I hope things turn out well for you. Can't imagine having to live with such a situation. No to mention seeing the person you once thought you'd spend the rest of your life with ruining her own life.
Good news, and sounds like very good news for your kids.

Whilst I am sure I will come in for some flak for this comment, this is to my mind exactly why drugs need to remain illegal. The spiral they can cause is evident here, and the impact is on some minors who have no way of dealing with the situation. I can only imagine this situation being multiplied should the drug side of what shes been upto being legal, sure the fraud would remain illegal but the illegality of drugs I am certain stops some people starting and hence entering the downward spiral evident here.
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