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The Financial Results Thread

Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
I am fed up hearing about record profits the GPU manufacturers are making with all the shortages and high prices ATM.

I hope when things normalise people will remember how we got £$%^^& by the GPU vendors and make their buying decisions accordingly.
19 Dec 2010
I hope when things normalise people will remember how we got £$%^^& by the GPU vendors and make their buying decisions accordingly.

What do you suggest people do? There are no buying decisions. If you need a GPU you have two(possibly 3) choices. That's it. Buy a console? But, that's still supporting GPU makers.

There is only one thing a person can do is to not buy at all. But, that's not going to happen. There are lots of people who haven't bought a new GPU for the last two generations because of high prices. They aren't going to sit out another generation if the prices do normalise.

So please, enlighten us, other than not buying, what choices do we have?
18 Feb 2015
Let's see if they can sustain those margins after this year. Otherwise, I look at it dispassionately, and can hardly complain when the GPU this generation paid for itself & made extra on the side.

Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
What do you suggest people do? There are no buying decisions. If you need a GPU you have two(possibly 3) choices. That's it. Buy a console? But, that's still supporting GPU makers.

There is only one thing a person can do is to not buy at all. But, that's not going to happen. There are lots of people who haven't bought a new GPU for the last two generations because of high prices. They aren't going to sit out another generation if the prices do normalise.

So please, enlighten us, other than not buying, what choices do we have?

I did not say "don't buy anything".

It would be nice if when people do buy something they reward the AIB partners and vendors who where the most reasonable during the current shortage.

I have seen 3090 prices as high as 3k from some AIB partners, this is appalling and this may come as a surprise to some but I have never paid that much for a single GPU.

Top of my list of companies I will be avoiding is EVGA as their recent cards have been rubbish, their prices way too high and the service and availability have been dreadful.

Having said that if you are happy to continue giving money to companies that scalp you, that is entirely up to you.
28 May 2007
What do you suggest people do? There are no buying decisions. If you need a GPU you have two(possibly 3) choices. That's it. Buy a console? But, that's still supporting GPU makers.

There is only one thing a person can do is to not buy at all. But, that's not going to happen. There are lots of people who haven't bought a new GPU for the last two generations because of high prices. They aren't going to sit out another generation if the prices do normalise.

So please, enlighten us, other than not buying, what choices do we have?

Buying a console is hardly giving the nod to high prices though. It's more a nod to you ain't charging the world for this so i will buy. I have voted with my wallet this round as i bought a ps5 which is a great price for what you get and gave the middle finger to both gpu companies for there awful prices. I really need a gpu now as i need more fps than Vega 64 can put out. I will literally be forced into it when the next gen comes out. Thinking about buying a full system though as that seems to be the logical way to go atm.
19 Dec 2010
I did not say "don't buy anything".

It would be nice if when people do buy something they reward the AIB partners and vendors who where the most reasonable during the current shortage.

I have seen 3090 prices as high as 3k from some AIB partners, this is appalling and this may come as a surprise to some but I have never paid that much for a single GPU.

Top of my list of companies I will be avoiding is EVGA as their recent cards have been rubbish, their prices way too high and the service and availability have been dreadful.

Having said that if you are happy to continue giving money to companies that scalp you, that is entirely up to you.

Every company scalped us the last two generations. There has been no reasonable. The only "reasonable" this generation has been getting a reference card at MSRP. And if we were buying based on support, nobody would buy any card because getting good support out of any of these companies is luck of the draw.

You are the last guy that can take a preachy, condescending tone with regards to buying over priced graphic cards. Consumers, who bought over priced Titan cards just because they could, are a big reason why the market is where it's at.

And, No, I won't continue to be scalped, because I have never paid over £750 for any GPU.
19 Dec 2010
Buying a console is hardly giving the nod to high prices though. It's more a nod to you ain't charging the world for this so i will buy. I have voted with my wallet this round as i bought a ps5 which is a great price for what you get and gave the middle finger to both gpu companies for there awful prices. I really need a gpu now as i need more fps than Vega 64 can put out. I will literally be forced into it when the next gen comes out. Thinking about buying a full system though as that seems to be the logical way to go atm.

If you want to hit GPU manufacturers where it hurts, you don't buy anything with a GPU in it. As for the rest of your post, well, that's my problem with Kaap's post. There are tons of people like yourself, people who haven't upgraded for years because of prices. All this talk of not buying from certain AIB's etc. is rubbish, because they all have scalped us. So for a person who really needs to buy a GPU, there won't be any choice. You are going to have to buy from some company who charged too much this generation.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Every company scalped us the last two generations. There has been no reasonable. The only "reasonable" this generation has been getting a reference card at MSRP. And if we were buying based on support, nobody would buy any card because getting good support out of any of these companies is luck of the draw.

You are the last guy that can take a preachy, condescending tone with regards to buying over priced graphic cards. Consumers, who bought over priced Titan cards just because they could, are a big reason why the market is where it's at.

And, No, I won't continue to be scalped, because I have never paid over £750 for any GPU.

Reasonable is when you can buy a pair of RX6900X cards for the same price as an AIB partner 3090.

The odd thing is in a lot of stuff a single 6900X is faster than a 3090 and can be had for half the price.

Also don't accuse me of being condescending as this is not true. I am disgusted with the state of the GPU market and that is a very different thing. Remember the 3090 is not a Titan card even NVidia made that point, it is just a bog standard run of the mill gaming card and it is selling for £3000, Disgusting.

As to buying Titans, the reason for buying them is the user would get something extra in the way of extra memory, performance and the option to use them for professional work. The Titan V being a good example and taking into account what it can do the asking price was a bargain for a professional card.
28 May 2007
If you want to hit GPU manufacturers where it hurts, you don't buy anything with a GPU in it. As for the rest of your post, well, that's my problem with Kaap's post. There are tons of people like yourself, people who haven't upgraded for years because of prices. All this talk of not buying from certain AIB's etc. is rubbish, because they all have scalped us. So for a person who really needs to buy a GPU, there won't be any choice. You are going to have to buy from some company who charged too much this generation.

I can half agree. I am pretty much paying Sony though as they already paid for it. Sony don't deserve me not buying as they are selling at a very good price for what i am receiving unlike AMD, Nvidia and there oem's. I feel like i got value for money with the Ps5 unlike current gpu prices. I will be buying the new gen though whether that's in a pre build or just a card.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Reasonable is when you can buy a pair of RX6900X cards for the same price as an AIB partner 3090.

The odd thing is in a lot of stuff a single 6900X is faster than a 3090 and can be had for half the price.

Also don't accuse me of being condescending as this is not true. I am disgusted with the state of the GPU market and that is a very different thing. Remember the 3090 is not a Titan card even NVidia made that point, it is just a bog standard run of the mill gaming card and it is selling for £3000, Disgusting.

As to buying Titans, the reason for buying them is the user would get something extra in the way of extra memory, performance and the option to use them for professional work. The Titan V being a good example and taking into account what it can do the asking price was a bargain for a professional card.

We have got to the point where people will pay literally anything for anything Nvidia, because for 80 to 90% of people AMD is not a consideration, they are overly criticised for thier RT performance and not having DLSS while on the other hand DLSS is seen by tech journalists as a switch to add 40% performance at any resolution with no consequences, which is absurd.

And its not just at the high end, its right across the range, while; and i'm already feeling like i'm forced to include this before saying it, the RX 3050 is a flawed GPU, but it can be made to work and its £200, the RTX 3050 while not flawed is not a great deal better, its near £400, the RX 6600 is also £400 and is the only truely usably GPU out of those 3, its the only GPU that offers real performance, it makes the RTX 3050 look like a junk GPU and for about the same money its the 3050 that sells. Madness, utter insanity.

Kaap you have been around for as long as i have, Nvidia are on their own and there is nothing really that AMD can do about it, its the culture of tech journalists that needs to change, when some of them actually recommended the RTX 3050 at up to $450 while completely ignoring the infinitely better RX 6600 for the same money illustrates the problem perfectly.

You know what i have been saying for years, well here we are.
Last edited:
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
AMD Q1 2022 Financial results.

Beats expectations by $300 Million.

Revenue: $5.887 Billion, up 71% Y/Y, up 22% Q/Q
Gross Profit: $2.18 Billion, up 78% Y/Y, up 18% Q/Q
Operating expenses: $1.95 Billion , up 110% Y/Y, up 59% Q/Q
Operating income: 0.951 Billion, up 44% Y/Y, down 21% Q/Q

AMD's revenue has increased significantly Y/Y and Q/Q due to strong Data-centre demand, Operating expenses have also increased greatly due to Xilinx Acquisition costs, that has resulted in 21% less operating income for this quarter.

For the second Quarter AMD are expected to generate revenues of $6.5 Billion through Data-centre growth.

Full year 2022 AMD is expected to generate $26.3 Billion in revenue, this compared with $16.4 Billion full year 2021, an increase of $9.9 Billion.
By 2021 Chip designer by revenue rankings this would put AMD #6, up from #10 and ahead of Nvidia, tho they are also expected to grow in 2022 so probably not.
Still, AMD are growing from strength to strength, Intel's 2021 revenue was $79 Billion. Samsung $81 Billion and Nvidia $26 Billion.
14 Aug 2009
What do you suggest people do? There are no buying decisions. If you need a GPU you have two(possibly 3) choices. That's it. Buy a console? But, that's still supporting GPU makers.

There is only one thing a person can do is to not buy at all. But, that's not going to happen. There are lots of people who haven't bought a new GPU for the last two generations because of high prices. They aren't going to sit out another generation if the prices do normalise.

So please, enlighten us, other than not buying, what choices do we have?

If you must buy and cannot postpone, then buy second hand. Normally is a lost sale for AMD and nVIDIA.

We have got to the point where people will pay literally anything for anything Nvidia, because for 80 to 90% of people AMD is not a consideration, they are overly criticised for thier RT performance and not having DLSS while on the other hand DLSS is seen by tech journalists as a switch to add 40% performance at any resolution with no consequences, which is absurd.

Well, while at first I was "meh" about RT, it grew on me. DLSS offers the performance of an upgrade at a relatively low IQ cost, so yeah, unless AMD has something similar, they are not my 1st option. I would only consider them if they can deliver about 130-140% of my needs for native resolution and come about equal across the board with nVIDIA, or if it costs about half (at normal prices, not this " new normal" MSRPs) at the same performance. :)
19 Dec 2010
If you must buy and cannot postpone, then buy second hand. Normally is a lost sale for AMD and nVIDIA.

Yeah, I didn't include second hand cards because for the last couple of years the second hand market has been nearly as bad for scalping as the GPU companies!!
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