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The Financial Results Thread

3 Aug 2010
Exactly, i do read Seeking Alpha a lot and can confirm its an absolute cesspit of people trying to push stock values one way or another, i don't think JPR are any different, frankly, they are stock influencers for hire.

Steam Hardware Survey, all of AMD's GPU's are in positive growth, half of Nvidia's are in decline, Intel ARC still don't even register.

You talk about shills and then shill for AMD on the same post with an out of context claim. The lack of awareness is stunning.
16 Sep 2018
Okay, but it certainly is something vendors should be called out on.
Oh for sure and it's not just the things you mentioned. What i find so amusing in a lack of common sense way with things ATM is how you can find the exact same model of card, only made by a different AIB, with price difference of hundreds of pounds (e.g One 6800xt costing £1.3k while another is £700 cheaper or how some retailers are trying to sell some 3090/80 cards for more than it costs to buy a 4090/80).
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
You talk about shills and then shill for AMD on the same post with an out of context claim. The lack of awareness is stunning.

Its just facts.

Nvidia GPU's had a much higher Hash rate than AMD's while also using less power, some people bought the RX 580 and RX 5700 as they were ok for mining, but nothing like as good as even the RTX 2000 GPU's let alone the RTX 3000 GPU's, those were the ones that sold in overwhelming numbers, Nvidia benefited hugely from Crypto mining, its made little difference to AMD.

That shows in the financial results, Nvdia gaming GPU sales are down 51%, along with their overall revenues, AMD's revenues are up, you could have seen that for yourself just by observing whats happening to stock, AMD are selling GPU's, when it comes to RTX 3000 series they are sitting on shelves a lot more.

Steam shows growth for all of AMD's GPU's.
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6 Feb 2019
Steam is already very outdated at any point in time. It takes up to 1 year from someone upgrading their PC before steam uses their new hardware to update their survey

So if AMD sales have crashed as they say, you won't see it in the survey for up to 12 months
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16 Sep 2018
To be fair it is only a survey, they surveys a small percentage of user and extrapolate that to their entire user base, there's probably not much concern about how accurate that is because it's simply not that important.

I always consider the Steam hardware survey to be more of a ballpark figure.
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13 May 2007
You talk about shills and then shill for AMD on the same post with an out of context claim. The lack of awareness is stunning.
At least you only have to deal with the shilling on here, spare a thought for us poor souls who deal with him daily having to listen to him furiously defend his love Lisa :p @Curlyriff @pete910
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25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
Update on GPU market from Jon Peddie

Sales this year is down 31% but AMD is the worst as their sales are down 68%. Nvidia sales dropped 25%. This large discrepancy between sales has lead to AMD to lose half its market share as AMD share of GPU market changed from 20% to 10% in the span of 12 months. Intel has started making inroads and Intel desktop GPUs now make up 4% of all GPU sales

I would have look at this a bit further but on the face of it that doesn't stack up with the publicly available financial results. The bulk of Nvidia's turnover is from gaming and they've just announced a drop in gaming revenue of 51% YoY yet Jon Peddie is saying dGPU volume is down 31%? That would imply Nvidia's income from mid and higher end GPU's has dropped off a cliff but Nvidia are shifting slighly more lower end cards or hold water, but given the popularity of cards like the RTX 4090 (fake scarcity/hard to get) that wouldn't seem true either.
19 Sep 2022
i dont think there would be price cuts on higher end parts, because thats the name of the game.. its a long term thing and nvidia isnt going to shift that for short term gains..
what might happen is that more volumes will start shifting to lower end cards or oem opportunities, and respun 30 series cards to partially make up for lost revenue opportunities..
you would have some strange sku's that dont take the sheen off nvidia's tiered branding but still deliver the desired revenue impact
nvidia is not going to base either decision on short term memory, they would be looking at normalized growth rates because the last couple years have been actually an outlier, and not a true reflection of sustained market demand

amd is going to be hit harder by the contraction in demand, because they dont have nvidia's global reach and they would have to really invest in unreasonably higher inventory levels to match nvidia's availability - my best guess is amd isnt going to do that when the market is actually contracting, so you'd have a vicious cycle unfortunately

layoffs are a reality now, however you look at it
16 Sep 2018
I read the same on Toms earlier today and it made me wonder how much lower things will go, from the companies POV. There's not been much movement when it comes to the price they're changing but they're both losing (Nvida profits, AMD market share) so is it a matter of can't or won't lower prices?

If prices come down more will the be selling cards at a loss or are they playing a game of chicken with shareholders and consumers.
6 Feb 2019
Currently amd and Nvidia are only focused on high end GPUs. They need to shuffle and switch back to focusing on mid range. If most of the GPUs in your lineup costs over $600 then you are ignoring the mid range

It's to be expected, rdna3 and Lovelace were engineered during the pandemic and mining boom when people were flush with cash and people who normally bought mid range cards were going for high end

I believe rdna4 and blackwell will be refocused and designed for lower level more efficient cards. Don't expect next Gen GPUs to be much faster than current Gen, but they will be significantly cheaper and use less power
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3 Aug 2010
I read the same on Toms earlier today and it made me wonder how much lower things will go, from the companies POV. There's not been much movement when it comes to the price they're changing but they're both losing (Nvida profits, AMD market share) so is it a matter of can't or won't lower prices?

If prices come down more will the be selling cards at a loss or are they playing a game of chicken with shareholders and consumers.
All that matters to them is earnings. Q2 was bad for Nvidia and Q3 was even worse. We'll see if the trend continues in Q4.

AMD at this point is irrelevant in the GPU sector.
16 Sep 2018
All that matters to them is earnings. Q2 was bad for Nvidia and Q3 was even worse. We'll see if the trend continues in Q4.

AMD at this point is irrelevant in the GPU sector.
True and that's why it makes me wonder if they're just playing chicken or if lowering prices of GPUs would result in them being sold at a loss, i mean for profits to be falling for 6 months and counting is a long time so you would've thought shareholders would be on their case by now.

At the rate AMD are going Intel will soon be beating them in the discrete GPU market so it makes their refusal to lower prices all the more strange.
18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
True and that's why it makes me wonder if they're just playing chicken or if lowering prices of GPUs would result in them being sold at a loss, i mean for profits to be falling for 6 months and counting is a long time so you would've thought shareholders would be on their case by now.

At the rate AMD are going Intel will soon be beating them in the discrete GPU market so it makes their refusal to lower prices all the more strange.
What do they need to do to satisfy shareholders?

Pull out of the market? Lower prices until they magic up big profits and claw back market share? Spend more shareholder money on trying to develop a product that crushes nvidia?

Maybe AMD just see the desktop pc market as a development area for their console dominance.
16 Sep 2018
What do they need to do to satisfy shareholders?
Turn a profit, Nvidia hasn't (unless I'm reading it wrong) for more than 6 months and IDK if or how much discreet GPU's are making for AMD.

That's what had me wondering, are they just playing chicken and hoping people will buy at the higher price and turn those losses into gains or is it a case of if they lower price any more that they'd be selling at a loss and not making a profit on what they sell.
Pull out of the market?
I wouldn't have thought so as then they wouldn't be making any profits on it at all, no?
Lower prices until they magic up big profits and claw back market share?
IDK and that's why I'm asking. Is it a matter of they can't lower prices because they'd be selling at a loss and not making any profits or is it a case of hoping people will eventually pay the higher prices.
Spend more shareholder money on trying to develop a product that crushes nvidia?
I'm not talking about either of them specifically as it seems the losses apply to both, one isn't making a profit from what i can tell while the other is losing market share.
Maybe AMD just see the desktop pc market as a development area for their console dominance.
I wouldn't have thought so and even if they did having a small share of the market doesn't help much when it comes to development.
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