Finished the Normal campaign today. Having spent £8 on the battle pass, I think it was worth it for the enjoyment I got from it.
Now it's on to the Hard mode, and there's not much reason to keep going. I'll log on to do seasonal objectives - you're limited to 2 levels a day from dailies, or a bunch from weeklies - and to help folk out.
The main loop is to upgrade gear, and to farm new items, a la warframe. I am not keen on Nexon's version of this grind. The good stuff is locked at a 3% droprate inside amorphous things ("relics"), which can be boosted to 6%* by an item that has an even worse drop chance. And these "relics" are same as warframe in that you have to grind some other activity to get them to drop. Additionally, you cannot pool together with other players to increase odds like in warframe, you're on your own. Warframe burned me out on this multi-layered grind, I don't have time for it, especially not with this solo-centric mechanism
In fact, most of the gameplay loop and item mechanics are a carbon copy of warframe, with mostly negative adjustments. The only positive I would say is that some of the events can be much quicker than a warframe mission.
The weapon system is ok, but its mainly a ripoff of destiny. They use the same system for upgrading old guns into new as destiny, but you have to build special items to do it. Cynically speaking, this is a cover up for a lack of weapon diversity. This is further exampled by needing to build FIVE copies of each ultimate weapon to level the unique traits to max. Idk if that's a copy of another system, but it comes across as busy work.
The final kicker for me is the "potato" system, the energy activator items. These are crucial to actual progress in the game. They are items that add more capacity to your character/weapons so you can fit more mods on. In warframe they double your capacity. Here they just add 20 slots from a base of 50. They are a nightmare to grind for, with the same low drop chance in multi-layered grinds. You can buy them for 1500 which works out to be around £24. I am extremely reluctant to use one on normal characters, just like I've never done in warframe (barring a couple before their primes were released) and especially when they only give less than 50% increase. They are also used on weapons, so if you wanna max everything out you'll be paying through the nose or grinding for years.
All in all it was a fun shooter, extremely well-polished, with punchy gunplay and breakneck speed (bunny).
The story was absolute garbage, but delivered better than destiny 2 imo, although I did skip every single conversation that wasn't a cutscene which is not normal for me. I think they used AI to write filler dialogue. Lots of words with little substance.
I'll possibly dip in and out beyond the season. I'm keen to see how/if they make any adjustments to my criticisms going forward. I think they could have a really excellent game here, and for anyone who just didnt like the feel of warframe this could be a good title to invest the time into.
*edit: some of the items are 6% base increased to 10% in hard mode relics, which is slightly more palatable but I would still wanna be pooling together with other players.