US: The Flash (2014)

Too many bee puns but other than that still one of the best new series of the last few years. It was also nice not to have Felicity moaning left right and center.
good ep BUT why didn't Barry just hand cuff the Bee girl from the off instead of having a 30 second chat then legging it away from the bees ????? grrrr

And if i was Marvel i'd be having a good look at that iron man rip off :)
Considering the last couple of episodes Ray appeared in of both Flash and Arrow are having him lean towards using miniaturisation tech I think we're on our way to him abandoning being an IM rip off and more towards a more traditional Atom (cue "he's an ant-man rip off" chants)
Iron Man rip off, just LOL! As much is I love the new MCU (I love DC, but I'm a Marvel fanatic at heart) wasn't ATOM put out in comics a good few years before Iron Man? Besides, in Arrow didn't he have nanotech injected to save his life in the previous episode, something which will probably lead towards him being able to manage his size.
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I am pretty easy going when it comes to TV, I have my guilty pleasures (not to say I don't appreciate a great show like The Shield, Oz, BSG etc) but this show is both entertaining and incredibly ridiculous! I realise the episodes would be shorter but how many times are we going to see Barry arrive at the scene, and instead of immobilise the foe straight away (before they even know he's there) - he decides to announce himself and get whooped in round 1?

The bee puns really annoyed me. There's enough cheese in this show to top all the four cheese pizzas in this world. Despite this, I don't hate it, for some reason the bad aspects of this show seem much more apparent to me than other shows (even ones on the same footing).
It doesn't take itself seriously and I like that. The Freeze and Fire bad guys are meant to be OTT, The Flashes nemeses in the comics and cartoons are comical, and the fact no cop shot them whilst barry was trying to take them down, and the fact he took ages to take them down when he can stupidly fast, is just part of the fun.

I'm just glad Wells isn't the Reverse Flash.
No he's not, Eobard Thawne killed him and from that I am happy Well's isn't the Reverse Flash :p

The character formerly known as Wells then
The silliness, OK - I didn't mind the Scofields. It just seems lazy writing at times (I've lost count of how many times Barry has been hit by a gun or weapon, despite the fact that he can run hundred-thousands of miles an hour. Or the numerous times someone makes an entrance to finish a sentence without no one noticing, I think I've watched too much Cinema Sins). Perhaps I don't appreciate the OTT done like this, to be honest the Flash is one character I know very little about. One thing I have noticed, Iris is wearing a lot tighter clothes than at the start hehe.
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Iron Man rip off, just LOL! As much is I love the new MCU (I love DC, but I'm a Marvel fanatic at heart) wasn't ATOM put out in comics a good few years before Iron Man? Besides, in Arrow didn't he have nanotech injected to save his life in the previous episode, something which will probably lead towards him being able to manage his size.

Atom comes first by a couple of years but since this version of Ray Palmer has literally nothing in common with any of his comic iterations beyond the name and science background at this point it doesn't really matter who came first.

If you look at the amount of references to Ted Kord/Kord industries in the first two seasons of Arrow it seems pretty clear we were supposed to get Blue Beetle and Ray Palmer/The Atom was a last minute sub for some reason.
I prefer Arrow to The Flash, but Ray Palmer/The Atom I think sucks in either of them :p

I don't watch the arrow and their appearances in the Flash have not given me any motivation to go watch it, maybe it was poorly timed I just feel they are interfering with the momentum of the show and the main story.
Atom comes first by a couple of years but since this version of Ray Palmer has literally nothing in common with any of his comic iterations beyond the name and science background at this point it doesn't really matter who came first.

If you look at the amount of references to Ted Kord/Kord industries in the first two seasons of Arrow it seems pretty clear we were supposed to get Blue Beetle and Ray Palmer/The Atom was a last minute sub for some reason.

Totally forgot that about the kord industries!

They probably skipped blue beetle due to the insane amount of work on the suit or cgi effects.

Give it time and no doubt we will see fake iron man shooting beams from his suit if he does ill hurl :D hopefully he does go back to shrinking actually come to think about it even if he shrinks the amount of cgi and effects would be too costly again I bet he just shrinks a few objects to maintain budget.
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