The forgotten FPS thread.

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The FPS game which I played the most when I was growing up was definately "Zero Tolerance" on the sega megadrive (kinda like doom) then later on "Goldeneye" on the N64
SHOGO:MAD was ok but the graphics were a bit too grainy for my liking, I'm not a big fan of Lithtech engines prior to NOLF2. I also found myself running round in circles quite a lot :o
William said:
SpaceHulk, I can't find any screenshots.

This is SpaceHulk for the A500


I also agree with the comment that this is for those older or less remember games :p

EDIT - Just found Hexen too :)

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I just got back from playing Doom on the Jaguar at a mates house :)

Worth a note though that 90% of the games mentioned are all on the same game engine, and Kingpin although old still has a small community that produces new maps and mods on a regular basis. :)

Whoop said:
I just got back from playing Doom on the Jaguar at a mates house :)

Worth a note though that 90% of the games mentioned are all on the same game engine, and Kingpin although old still has a small community that produces new maps and mods on a regular basis. :)


Ive heard the mappers aint very good though :)

Also.....only n00bs play Kingpin :p
Whoop said:
Worth a note though that 90% of the games mentioned are all on the same game engine, and Kingpin although old still has a small community that produces new maps and mods on a regular basis. :)

I'd still be playing kingpin now if it wasnt for that damn bunny hop expliot :/... Although a quick player created patch kinda solved that abit, but not all servers employed it!

Readmode Deathmatch was uber ownage tbh, and bagman!
Newer than some here but AvP was rocking...It was the first FPS game I could play without getting motion sickness :p


Sadly, I don't think you can get it to run on modern graphics cards unless you run REALLY old drivers - unless anyone else knows a workaround?
I'm going to submit a few of my favourite forgotten FPS games:

Half-Life 2
Doom 3

See what I did there? Eh? Christ, what's wrong with you people!? Duke Nukem? AvP? Turok? These games are NOT forgotten! They've all either had sequels made for them, or currently have sequels in the making - can you please explain to me how that qualifies as forgotten? This thread has so much potential to be a brilliant trip down memory lane, but some people have some whacked definitions...

I do however remember when that Terminator FPS was released WAY back in the day. My fondest memory of that is when you shot the moon and it died :p

Have fond memories of System Shock 2 and AvP. Still think both of these (and AvP2) are the best FPS games ever made.
MoNkeE said:
I'm going to submit a few of my favourite forgotten FPS games:

Half-Life 2
Doom 3

See what I did there? Eh? Christ, what's wrong with you people!? Duke Nukem? AvP? Turok? These games are NOT forgotten! They've all either had sequels made for them, or currently have sequels in the making - can you please explain to me how that qualifies as forgotten? This thread has so much potential to be a brilliant trip down memory lane, but some people have some whacked definitions...

I do however remember when that Terminator FPS was released WAY back in the day. My fondest memory of that is when you shot the moon and it died :p


Thats what I was aiming for :D I think that was called Skynet or something wasn't it? Played SNES Jurassic Park the other day and there is FPS sections in that :eek:
Ok all the moaning, i've removed some of the entries. I just thought this was a retro FPS as well as forgotten FPS's.

Ken's Labyrinth

Corridor 7

Shadow Warrior
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Think you're getting a bit carried away there but heyho, AvP is rather new... Not forgotten but definitely relegated to 'classic' status these days.

SS2 (and 1) was brilliant..hopefully Bioshock will live up to SS2's legacy...

Does the demo that came with 3d-construction-kit count as a 'forgotten fps'? ;p
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