The forgotten FPS thread.

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And it really annoys me that its been unplayable on Windows since WinME.
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G|mp said:
Eh up dude :)

I currently PwN COD2 ;)

Got COD2 in the post should arrive tomorrow ;)

If your on though I'll stick to bots, more of a challenge :p

back on topic though I still have exhumed for the Saturn, from what I recall I keep dying on the part where you have to swim out after pressing some switch or other :)

not quite as old skool as some of the above, and possibly not even forgotten, but star wars rebal assault 2 was pretty FPS-ish even though it had space flight etc in it :)


I can't believe no-one has mentioned Driller, dark side or total eclipse


proper fps action from 'back in the day' running at a mighty 6 frames per second (if you were lucky)
Psyk said:
Requiem avenging angel. Can't find a decent screenshot though :(
Basically you played an angel sent to earth to kick some ass. As well as the staple FPS weapons you got biblical powers like swarms of locusts and turning people to salt.

I had that, it was a great game. You could do somekind of astral projection, possess the monsters, and start fights within the mobs. Then wade in after the damage was done. Then when everything was slaughtered you could resurrect the dead so that they would follow you around as your minions. I used to think that was such a cool idea.


This is a guard being 'salted'...
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Trip Hazard said:
I can't believe no-one has mentioned Driller, dark side or total eclipse


proper fps action from 'back in the day' running at a mighty 6 frames per second (if you were lucky)

I have Driller for the Spectrum boxed in the attic :)

G|mp - I don't use msn or icq, never wondered why I'm not on :o

Only thing I have these days tbh mate is Xfire so I can follow people into bf2, got completely out of 300 message a day icq as it took longer to chat than play :)

Sutters said:
I had that, it was a great game. You could do somekind of astral projection, possess the monsters, and start fights within the mobs. Then wade in after the damage was done. Then when everything was slaughtered you could resurrect the dead so that they would follow you around as your minions. I used to think that was such a cool idea.


This is a guard being 'salted'...

Aye thats the one - quality :D
Trip Hazard said:
I can't believe no-one has mentioned Driller, dark side or total eclipse

OMG! Total eclipse! I had that on demo tape on the C64... I got lost behind a pyramid - took about 10 mins to run around the darn thing.

Krazy Ivan was another one - demo was on the first PC mag I bought back in '95.

Oh and by the way careful on hot-linking images guys - its against the rules and bad mmkay?
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The one game I thought of straight away was Terra Nova :). I loved that game and played it for ages. It didn't do too well in the shops though, perhaps because of the system needed to run it nicely :(. It's now 10 years old.
Wiki (with some screen shots): Terra Nova
molinari said:
The one game I thought of straight away was Terra Nova :). I loved that game and played it for ages. It didn't do too well in the shops though, perhaps because of the system needed to run it nicely :(. It's now 10 years old.
Wiki (with some screen shots): Terra Nova

I remember playing a demo of terra nova - kinda reminded me of Midwinter on the Amiga.
UOcUK Poopscoop said:
Remember playing that!! :D

Remember a game called Green Meanies? :)

Hrm, was that the one where you dug holes for them to fall into and then whacked them on the head or is that dig dug maybe. There was another one where the space alien comes down the screen and even faster when you fired at him, think that was blue meanies though.

I was only like 7 at the time, still knew how to change the code to alter the keys though :D
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