I had one too, when I didn't run AA, the games I played ran a lot better than the X1900XT it replaced. With AA, it was a joke and the reason for that we've already covered. Even in that review, when AA is applied, it's worse off than the X1950XTX. When AA is not applied, in some titles it shows it's more than worth it for the price difference, others it shows exactly why the price difference was there so that's not a definitive point due to inconsistency.
As I said, the games I played received a decent boost without AA so my experience wasn't all that bad. When I bought my 8800GTX it was like night and day with AA applied. If Nvidia were forced to do AA through software then who knows what would have happened?. Also, are you forgetting the "Never Settle" drivers for the 7970?. By writing off the possibility of that happening when it happened in recent history is a bit confusing. I don't believe 100% that it will happen but I will also not rule out the possibility like you have.
Regardless of review sites, when OCUK users have these cards and can put it to the test then we'll know who to trust and not to. I prefer user tests over review sites and always will after being a victim of misinformation more than once. Also there is no over-voltage software as present so I do not share your pessimism regarding Fury-X. I'll just wait and see.
In regard to the 2900 running games with no aa wasn't really an option as i found the jaggies very distracting at my monitor res of 1680x1050 at the time.
Never had a 7970 so don't remember the never settle drivers.
With fury though amd dug their own hole i think, touting this as designed from the ground up for 4k, then reviews showing quite the contrary. As for overclocking, there's already a thermal image doing the rounds showing the internals over 100c, i don't hold out much hope for it overclocking much