The Godless - OcUK Guild Wars Guild Members Details...........................

My IGN is Cornelius Van Sporg, I'm sure some of the Godless will remember me as I DID spend most of my gametime chatting in guildspeak rather than doing anything! :p
That's fair enough on not liking PvP, Sid, lots of people only do PvE, and after you've seen everything I can imagine it would get pretty boring (I'm the opposite - it's the PvP that keeps me playing!). I'm wondering why you left the Godless if you don't like Tombing though, as Eq did say, when he was forming Su, that he left to form a more PvP-oriented guild!:confused: (the fact that we only managed to get a Tombs team together twice and never GvG'ed once is irrelevant really!:p)
manveruppd said:
the fact that we only managed to get a Tombs team together twice and never GvG'ed once is irrelevant really!:p

It does seem a bit strange though as the godless does both at least a few times a week. GvG for the godless has become a little stagnated recently while members try out new builds in the tombs and arenas but we hope to be back in the GvG scene very soon. We have become more PvP orientated recently but still keep the PvE element of the guild at the same time with new members joining and existing members helping them out on missions etc.
Yep, the joke's on us really as we've done a lot less PvP/GvG than you guys in the time we've been in Su. Mind you I reckon having the 15 most active members leave was what spurred you guys to reorganise yourselves, as you realised that PvE alone can't sustain the interest of most players after a certain point.
I was Asuana!

I moved to sU mainly as Godless (at the time), had died a horrible death, and the promise was for much Guild related goodness. Shame that after a few promising rounds in the tombs, it kind of fell apart as there were never enough people around to do any battles.

So anyway, if Kat, Katie, Mickey, Kaypeh, and all those others who's name's I've forgotten are about, hello! Hope you are all good.
manveruppd said:
I reckon having the 15 most active members leave was what spurred you guys to reorganise yourselves, as you realised that PvE alone can't sustain the interest of most players after a certain point.

Yep, you guys left, the day after I had completed the game for the first time. I took two days off playing and was actually unsure if I would carry on (not being a big fan of PvP at the time) When I returned you had all left! I decided not to leave and told Windle that I would assume control of the guild and try to get it back on its feet, got into PvP and renewed my interest. I appointed Redwalar, Jhad and Fallen as officers and stuck my recruitment hat on :)

If any ex members want to re-join, they will always be welcome as Red has already said. Shame about the second unit, I do appreciate how difficult it can be to keep even a large guild active. As mentioned above you need to try and get the guild interested in the PvP aspect of the game to increase it's longevity.
I'm Prodigy aka Ronin :D

did you do the SF quests before you left asuana? They are pretty fun. As are the new glint quests you get but they are too easy.

i've got majorly into pvp and gvg in the past few weeks but still like my pve. 20 more fame and i'll have my deer woot. Busy splitting my time between farming fame and hording ecto and shards for my fissure ele armour ^_^

Yea AB is a bit lacking in guild chat but they are very active in IRC and TS so it makes up for it. I also like their equal guild policy, after 2 weeks ** made an officer so all can hold gvgs.

woot happy halloween :D

i got my pumpkin head and stocked up on loads of the halloween goodies hehehe

i love the ghost in a box

wasn't it so funny watching all the noobs fail miserably at mad king says :D:D:D:D
Can I join? I've only played PVE so far but I might get into PVP at some point. Tried the guild site but it seems to be down at the moment.

IGN: Dae Feredir

Ranger/Monk 20
rofl its funny how sad these type of games can get at times, example: i just started a new character and im messing about in the sunny place, 2 elementalists in ascalon seem to be getting it on with a small crowd watching, ill upload the screenshot of it tomorow

some people really do need to get out more

EDIT: omg there coming on to me, these people are WEIRD
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Hey Sweetloaf, I've not been able to play Guild Wars really for the last couple of months due to the lack of decent computer, but I sorted out that situation and have just started a new character.

Emlyn Dewar is my level 20 Ranger/Mesmer and I've got a level 3 Necromancer I Emo I Possible I come back to the guild?
Sweet, if you lemme know what you want in the opening post i'll edit it. Seeing as how mine is out of date a little bit ;) Thought it might help n00bs a bit if the OP is up to date.
Windle said:
Sweet, if you lemme know what you want in the opening post i'll edit it. Seeing as how mine is out of date a little bit ;) Thought it might help n00bs a bit if the OP is up to date.

Nice one, I'll email you when I get a chance mate, same addy that you used to register on the forum? :)
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