The Grand Tour

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Worst Grand Tour episode ever. They really have run out of ideas now. The scripted stuff just makes me want to squirm nowadays, its so awful. Thank god they left Top Gear if this is what they have become.

Clarkson is 100 times better on his farm program.
Watching original top gear funny moments on YouTube.
You see Clarkson run his finger down that bloke (in the audience) face?
I liked it, not their best but still an enjoyable 90 mins. Agree the ending felt rushed and didn’t seem to fit.
Given it was during a pandemic it wasn't too bad. They must have been genuinely limited as to what they could do.

Was still a fairly entertaining 1hr 30 mins, and scripted or not, Hammond sinking the boat/falling into the water after all that wobbling was hilarious.
It just felt so flat, found myself checking how long was left towards the end as it got a bit dull. Few chuckles in places but they just seem to have lost that spark, that and the ideas have all been done before
What was the last Island called where they built the bridge to get to it?
The island is called Uist in the Outer Hebrides (out West of Skye) though which the little island is I'm not sure as Uist is too far from Skye and with too much current for that little pontoon to work. You get Oil tankers going between the two regularly.

I liked it, not their best but still an enjoyable 90 mins. Agree the ending felt rushed and didn’t seem to fit.
I thought it was rubbish. Its like the buzz has gone and they are just going through the motions to get paid.
Was alright, nothing special, some moments made me chuckle like captain slow opening his caravan door.
Yeah that made me laugh and even if scripted his falling over certainly wasn't. He didn't brace for the water which he'd have done if he thought it was more than a trickle as it appeared from outside. Also Hammond capsizing I watched that a few times and I'm not sure he knew that would happen. I've capsized a few dinghies in my time and a force at the wrong angle that dips the gunnels is enough to take you if you don't correct instantly, which he doesn't. I am surprised a boat of that size didn't have more residual buoyancy though. It sank like a stone.

It does all feel a bit forced, has done for a while now. Some things are too scripted, or feel scripted even if they're not, and a bit too slapstick. The spark has gone and the challenges just aren't what they were. Like nearly all divorces they've lost something in the process.
I think people are being too harsh as to their expectations for this, they messed around in Scotland which isn't exactly an exciting place, there is only so much you can do! The theme was a little boring to me (old American cars, yawn), but it was still as much as i expected, and still much better than a lot of the rubbish i have on the TV.
Scotland was always going to be difficult - when you can't land them in a completely bizarre/extreme location, there's only so much that can 'happen' on what's effectively the same sort of road trip that thousands of people do without incident every year - it was either going to be somewhat boring or somewhat scripted, there's not much to work with other than them driving around a few B roads for an hour unless you script some interest.
I watched it through again but this time I actually watched it, rather than play a game. It seemed rather cobbled together and a little disconnected. Watchable but nowhere near as good as Clarkson's Farm.
I watched it through again but this time I actually watched it, rather than play a game. It seemed rather cobbled together and a little disconnected. Watchable but nowhere near as good as Clarkson's Farm.

i read that they took some of the Russian stuff they had already filmed and put it in this hence the weird Russian car it in the middle.

James may caravan water incident was blatantly CGI. Look closely frame by frame. The whole thing was totally yawn inducing. And the first 10 minutes, they go to Edinburgh then we see them in a some bin alley , so, so lame. I'm not sure if that was part of a very subtle joke or what. They cut right through Sky, with not even a shot except the bridge for 0.5 secs.

The bit at the end with the cut to Swindon, made me think hang on a minute, were they even in Scotland ? Was the whole thing a charade ? Or parts thereof ?
Well from reports in the press they werent very welcome in Scotland. Lots of people shouting abuse and obscenities at them.

I would imagine a lot of the stuff they filmed had to be re taken or just hit the cutting room floor.
Well from reports in the press they werent very welcome in Scotland. Lots of people shouting abuse and obscenities at them.

I would imagine a lot of the stuff they filmed had to be re taken or just hit the cutting room floor.

well tbh honest after thinking about it a bit more, I would say this is BY FAR the worst thing they've ever made. Absolute trash, no effort , and actually insulting to the Scots. They bother to come here and what do we get ? Jokes about deep frying food, hammond wearing a kilt in the promo, glimpses of the country , oh yeah i lvoed seeing some bin in an alley. no thing of skye. Stupid and ridiculous 'races' in a grssy field that could have been anywhere probly was. ach i'm actually sick of the whole lot of them now. This wasn't even just not good. It was actively bad.
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