The Grand Tour

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I think quite honestly they need to can it, I don't think the Grand Tour has ever been good.

1st series was OK, in a kinda, OK theis could be really good if by series 2/3 but they didn't do it.

They should make actual proper specials, loose all the stupid malarky setup nonsense, use their budget and skills to actually make a informative (is that a bad word, ??) tv show about the places they visit. It's a TOUR. go on tour show us the cool stuff, show us the country, the land, show us the locals. Im not saying make a travel docu, but loose the stupid races. As has been said there's a million youtubers making content that's more interesting, more real, more informative than what these multimillion budget has managed. I mean actual roadtrips and series, on bikes, cars, 4x4s overland trips, etc. how many scottish landmarks and places of interest did we see here ? ?? Dalwinnie petrol station - WOW. knock me down, I'll need to go there and check it out. super. Didn't even see an actual loch and it is loch down
1st series was OK, in a kinda, OK theis could be really good if by series 2/3 but they didn't do it.

They should make actual proper specials, loose all the stupid malarky setup nonsense, use their budget and skills to actually make a informative (is that a bad word, ??) tv show about the places they visit. It's a TOUR. go on tour show us the cool stuff, show us the country, the land, show us the locals. Im not saying make a travel docu, but loose the stupid races. As has been said there's a million youtubers making content that's more interesting, more real, more informative than what these multimillion budget has managed. I mean actual roadtrips and series, on bikes, cars, 4x4s overland trips, etc. how many scottish landmarks and places of interest did we see here ? ?? Dalwinnie petrol station - WOW. knock me down, I'll need to go there and check it out. super. Didn't even see an actual loch and it is loch down

To be honest though if you watch the last three series of Top Gear it was already going downhill.

The last really good special was probably Botswana
The US trip was truly groundbreaking but they’ve been living on past glories and basically remaking the exact same show for way too long.

Visit <insert country here>
Take 3 inappropriate cars <insert theme here>
Compare straight line performance
Do some kind of race against the clock
Smash some cars up
Insult locals
Play practical joke on each other
Get stuck. Help each other get unstuck
Suffer breakdown. Leave someone behind to fix it.
Admire scenery
Reach finish
Cut to end credits.
actually insulting to the Scots. They bother to come here and what do we get ? Jokes about deep frying food, hammond wearing a kilt in the promo, glimpses of the country , oh yeah i lvoed seeing some bin in an alley. no thing of skye. Stupid and ridiculous 'races' in a grssy field that could have been anywhere probly was.
I'm not scottish but i thought the same thing (live in the south of England). The things we think of when it comes to Scotland are the amazing scenery, islands/coastline, along with some stunning bridges and amazing old castles etc to go with that. Then the first thing i seem to see is them in a graffiti ridden back alley, making beautiful Edinburgh look like a ghetto. Didn't understand that at all.
The things we think of when it comes to Scotland are the amazing scenery, islands/coastline, along with some stunning bridges and amazing old castles etc to go with that.

I know right and how much of that did we actually see? How many things did they show that would make you go wow i wanna go there and see that. They went up applecross pass and it was so tired and half hearted, like it was a chore. Ive seen dozen of youtube videos about that that are all far more entertaining.

Then the first thing i seem to see is them in a graffiti ridden back alley, making beautiful Edinburgh look like a ghetto. Didn't understand that at all.

yep i know right? Totally wtf.
Well that was awful, why was so much of it wasted on stupid chores. None of it made sense, with the chinese dig at the end? All cars are going Chinese? I missed the point of that.
I know right and how much of that did we actually see? How many things did they show that would make you go wow i wanna go there and see that. They went up applecross pass and it was so tired and half hearted, like it was a chore. Ive seen dozen of youtube videos about that that are all far more entertaining.

yep i know right? Totally wtf.
I know the show isnt funded by the tourist board of Scotland, but given the large makeup of US and other international viewers you would think that Clarkson and co would wish to fly the UK flag a little bit wouldn't you? Scotland could have come across as amazing with the way they have filmed and edited some countries.
I know the show isnt funded by the tourist board of Scotland, but given the large makeup of US and other international viewers you would think that Clarkson and co would wish to fly the UK flag a little bit wouldn't you? Scotland could have come across as amazing with the way they have filmed and edited some countries.

Exactly. I mean they could even half put a dead cow on the roof if they had to laugh it up a bit. Oh wait i think they already did that somewhere else.
To me, I feel like the 3 of them have gone through what we have all gone through during this pandemic, with not as much motivation to work and focussed on their own projects instead of putting 110% in to this latest episode. If anything, it might now give them the encouragement to make the next episode a lot better.
I didn't think anything of it when i watched it but it's the first one where i stopped half way through and went back to finish it the day later...that shows how disinterested i was.

Some sections was far too long and pointless, in fact, it could have been shot anywhere in the UK or Europe.
I know the show isnt funded by the tourist board of Scotland, but given the large makeup of US and other international viewers you would think that Clarkson and co would wish to fly the UK flag a little bit wouldn't you? Scotland could have come across as amazing with the way they have filmed and edited some countries.

Maybe they felt they'd already kind of covered the good side of doing a Scottish road trip in the episode they did on the NC500 a couple of years ago?

It probably feels twice as hard to make a 'special' like this stand out, when you already did it very recently.
Well, that was dull. Fair enough that Covid and the weather limited some options for big pretty set pieces, but none of the dialogue was particularly funny. Think Jeremy losing his caravan and Richard capsizing the boat was the only 2 entertaining bits. Spent half the episode looking at my phone!
Well, that was dull. Fair enough that Covid and the weather limited some options for big pretty set pieces, but none of the dialogue was particularly funny. Think Jeremy losing his caravan and Richard capsizing the boat was the only 2 entertaining bits. Spent half the episode looking at my phone!

The more I think about Jeremy's caravan, the more I think that was scripted and rigged to come off. Same with the hamster tipping his on its side.
Having spent 8 days touring Scotland recently and seeing the amazing scenery and driving truly epic roads they literally showed really nothing and the ending what was that all about?
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