The Grand Tour

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The more I think about Jeremy's caravan, the more I think that was scripted and rigged to come off. Same with the hamster tipping his on its side.
Yeh I suspect that Clarkson's caravan was rigged, but it looked more convincing than most of the other mishaps! Hammond tipping his caravan was blatantly obvious, you see him just before he gets stuck that he weaves over the edge and back again - before then driving back into the ditch. Just looked so forced. Not sure why they even bothered with the caravans!
Having spent 8 days touring Scotland recently and seeing the amazing scenery and driving truly epic roads they literally showed really nothing and the ending what was that all about?

Indeed I was looking forward to 90 minutes of fantastic Scottish scenery with some old American cars with some jokes thrown in. Would have much preferred that
The more I think about Jeremy's caravan, the more I think that was scripted and rigged to come off. Same with the hamster tipping his on its side.

What? Of course it was scripted/setup/produced. There's no question. Are you serious? All their caravans met a fateful 'end' This is the story. I can't believe people are still saying 'o maybe this bit is scripted, but not this bit. It's all scripted. everything is setup, planned and executed. You really think hamster turned up to the castle with the gear on cos he thought it was right? This boggles my mind that people think anything that happens in this show isn't predetermined. Wow.

Maybe the folk in Eastenders really do live there, and the cameras just happen to catch the best 30 minutes to show us, every other night. Wow they must have incredibly dramatic lives, and fortunate to bring us the best bits for our TV viewing pleasure.

I mean I suppose you really do think that theres an American pop-up community on North Uist that was bought from/manufactured in china ? That's really true. It really is there. You can visit it. You first have to build a bridge from plastic blocks to get there, but you can do it!
What? Of course it was scripted/setup/produced. There's no question. Are you serious? All their caravans met a fateful 'end' This is the story. I can't believe people are still saying 'o maybe this bit is scripted, but not this bit. It's all scripted. everything is setup, planned and executed. You really think hamster turned up to the castle with the gear on cos he thought it was right? This boggles my mind that people think anything that happens in this show isn't predetermined. Wow.

Maybe the folk in Eastenders really do live there, and the cameras just happen to catch the best 30 minutes to show us, every other night. Wow they must have incredibly dramatic lives, and fortunate to bring us the best bits for our TV viewing pleasure.

I mean I suppose you really do think that theres an American pop-up community on North Uist that was bought from/manufactured in china ? That's really true. It really is there. You can visit it. You first have to build a bridge from plastic blocks to get there, but you can do it!
I quite enjoyed it, laughed quite a lot. Thought the caravan full of water was good. I think they did well to build that bridge in a day (if true). Also noticed Jeremy's "toolkit" was just different sized hammers:cry:.
What? Of course it was scripted/setup/produced. There's no question. Are you serious? All their caravans met a fateful 'end' This is the story. I can't believe people are still saying 'o maybe this bit is scripted, but not this bit. It's all scripted. everything is setup, planned and executed. You really think hamster turned up to the castle with the gear on cos he thought it was right? This boggles my mind that people think anything that happens in this show isn't predetermined. Wow.

Maybe the folk in Eastenders really do live there, and the cameras just happen to catch the best 30 minutes to show us, every other night. Wow they must have incredibly dramatic lives, and fortunate to bring us the best bits for our TV viewing pleasure.

I mean I suppose you really do think that theres an American pop-up community on North Uist that was bought from/manufactured in china ? That's really true. It really is there. You can visit it. You first have to build a bridge from plastic blocks to get there, but you can do it!

I know its all scripted but there will be certain events which just occur. Or are you saying every time they have broken down they have deliberately broken the vehicle? Perhaps they have?
I know its all scripted but there will be certain events which just occur. Or are you saying every time they have broken down they have deliberately broken the vehicle? Perhaps they have?

Obviously most of the breakdowns are unscripted, but then again, the cars would not break down, if they were not thrashed and abused, way beyond what anyone with any common sense would call normal or even resonable use.

However, yes from first hand experience, they also do rig vehicles to deliberately fail and break down pretty regularly.

Same as the "modifications" done, are very often done to deliberately be wrong or fail or cause further issues down the line.

It's all part of the production and planning.
Finally watched it today, most of the episode was okay except that last scene. It was just a bit "meh". I think the episode would have worked better with an actual American Commune on the island rather than whatever that was (FYI, that restaurant is in Swindon :D )
I think the episode would have worked better with an actual American Commune on the island


Brilliant 10/10

Amazon should defo setup an American commune on north uist. Bezos should personally declare it open by cutting a cerimonial ribbon when the first residents move in across the plastic floaty bridge.

That would have really improved it for me.
I watched the NC500 episode again last night, they had the same joke about deep frying food too!

But may be it was the weather before, it had so much more better B-roll shots of the landscapes and views than this one. It showed off Scotland much better.
which ep is this. TG or grand tour which series?

On Prime, Season 3. It was when they were in the Tent. It's not a full special episode as there is a car review segment and their Conversation Street stuck in the middle of the show. It's the one where they bought a cheap Italian "classic". The one where Clarkson bought that Alfa GTV6 which he kept to this day.
which ep is this. TG or grand tour which series?

Grand Tour Season 3 Episode 7.

This is why I said above, it's doubly hard to make a good, fresh feeling, special in Scotland when you've only just done a feature on a road trip through Scotland in 2019.

They (much like others) only went back to Scotland because it was about the only place they could go. If it were any other year, without COVID, they'd have been doing something different - it was something thrown together to get an episode out this year.

As much stick as they're getting for it being lacklustre, I can't help but feel they'd have got more stick if they'd released a statement saying it was too difficult, they've already done Scotland, so they're just not going to bother for a year or so and the next episode will be out for Christmas 2022.
Grand Tour Season 3 Episode 7.

This is why I said above, it's doubly hard to make a good, fresh feeling, special in Scotland when you've only just done a feature on a road trip through Scotland in 2019.

They (much like others) only went back to Scotland because it was about the only place they could go. If it were any other year, without COVID, they'd have been doing something different - it was something thrown together to get an episode out this year.

Which in all honesty they needn't have bothered. I mean they had 60 support staff and spent £50k on covid measures alone. Waste of time and money.
I was kind of hoping they’d cross the floating bridge thing, then drive about the island and find it was completely deserted and that the crew had taken their bridge away and stranded them then just end it.
The whole thing was filmed in Covid, it was always goinna be average... if they didn't do one people would moan, they do one in mental circumstances and people moan. No win.
I didn’t think the episode was that bad, yes it was the same old jokes but what do you expect? They’ve been doing the same old jokes for nearly two decades at this point.

One thing that does show is how ‘over the hill’ they all looked. May in particular seems to have aged a lot in recent years. Perhaps it’s time they hung up the keys on the grand tour anyway?
Which in all honesty they needn't have bothered. I mean they had 60 support staff and spent £50k on covid measures alone. Waste of time and money.

Alternative way to look at that is that's 60 support staff Amazon are paying that otherwise may have been unemployed or sat on furlough / government support measures for a few months.
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