TG and TGT.. is that the naming equivalent of a **** block?
Yep, also as someone else pointed out - TGT - Top Gear Two...
TG and TGT.. is that the naming equivalent of a **** block?
Do we think swearing will be censored or all uncut?
Not only will the guys travel to different locations, but for the first time ever the studio audience recordings will travel every week, all housed within a giant tent. Amazon customers will have the chance to be in the audience when tickets are released through prize draws this summer.
I've got Prime. My body is ready.
i know their strategy, just that I cannot afford prime unfortunately which frustrates me, i hope they do sell the series on dvd, they probably will
It would be good if there was an option for censored or uncensored that can be turned on or off like subtitles.
In a way I hope they stick to BBC esque swearing rules. It's far more amusing having them find ways around Fing and blinding
You can now pay monthly, if I remember correctly?
Amazon, I am not interested in this. Stop showing me their smug, punchable faces every time I visit your site.
With the new season coming out i wondered why amazon gave me £20 of there prime service