Poll: The Great OcUK Distro/Derivative Poll V - Get it while it's hot

What are your favourite distributions or UNIX derivatives?

  • Debian

    Votes: 74 10.6%
  • Fedora

    Votes: 97 13.9%
  • Gentoo

    Votes: 60 8.6%
  • Knoppix

    Votes: 40 5.7%
  • Mandriva

    Votes: 22 3.2%
  • Ubuntu

    Votes: 449 64.3%
  • Red Hat (except Fedora)

    Votes: 27 3.9%
  • Slackware

    Votes: 36 5.2%
  • SuSE

    Votes: 85 12.2%
  • BSD Unix and derivatives

    Votes: 22 3.2%
  • Mac OS X (Darwin)

    Votes: 97 13.9%
  • CentOS

    Votes: 42 6.0%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 46 6.6%

  • Total voters
My boxes:

OpenSuSE for desktop (quake wars, quakelive, watching media) top spec
Fedora for download box (torrentflux and media server on it) old dell
OpenBSD for mail server (exim & spam filter) server - poweredge 850
CentOS for web server (apache & mysql) server - poweredge 860
CentOS for TS/IRC/CS:S/TC:E server (TeamSpeak/IRC/Counter-strike:source/TrueCombat:elite) - poweredge 860


Slackware on a lappy...

So favorites: Slackware/OpenSuSE/CentOS
Using debian netinstall with no GUI for homeserver - SAMBA, NFS, sabnzbd, transmission

Using Arch linux with gnome on my desktop.

Using Fedora 11 on my Macbook, cba to upgrade to 12, will probably move it over to Ubuntu 10.04
Gentoo and Ubuntu.

Ubuntu just works. Gentoo doesn't. That's why they're cool.

+1 for Gentoo 'cause it got me over the whole, if I click here will it break thinking. And "can somebody please tell me what this does..?"

+1 for Ubuntu's cause now I can comfortably install linux in 20 mins. I rely on it for a variety of servers and desktops at work and at home.
I voted ubuntu as I have been using it for around 5 years. But im getting a bit fed up with it, so im looking for a new distro. Anyone tried linuxMint?

Mint is quite good, I used it over a 3 month period last year. Little niggles got the better of me in the end but I think they were something specific to the hardware and may possibly have been fixed by now.
The problem I have with ubuntu now is no matter which browser I use, it freezes the whole system when im on any webpage with either a lot of pictures or videos.
Fedora, Darwin and Arch.

Darwin, cos I have a mac laptop.
Fedora, because it was powerful enough to screw around with, but easy enough to use.
Arch, because when Fedora failed to provide 5xxx drivers, Arch was there - plus, it really makes you learn all of the stuff you never had to on other distros.
I'm using Debian Lenny on an old iBook G4, though currently aptitude is *very* slowly upgrading all the packages to squeeeeeze...

Anyway, this poll is 4 years old...Surely it's time for Poll VI?
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