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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

19 Oct 2002
Well my amp was hitying the tdp limit and dropping to 1.162mv all the time boost clock 1473mhz. Quick bios edit later taken tdp limit to 300w rather than 275w stock. Card now boosts to 1503mhz average at 1.205mv. So 30mhz for 5 mins work. Card sitting at 74c. Will bump tdp again tonight i think to 325-350w suspect that will stop the card hitting its tdp limit altogether. Card can clearly support 1250mv so tdp limit must still be the problem. Will update tonight.

Anyone know what a 6pin peg limit is?
19 Oct 2002
Oh and if you are going to post overclocks can you please post actual voltage average and clock boost average. If you set +87mv in AB this just gives the card more rang to play with it doesnt actually give any indication of what the card is actually using as it will throttle regardless of what you set.

e.g i can set +87mv but my card will never actually use it Because it hits the tdp first thus me telling you to use 87mv is nonsense.

Actual values please!
30 Nov 2011
150w listed their is Total, so 75w for 6-pin plus 75w via pcie slot

6-pin is 75w, 8-pin is 150w, so 300w total for a reference board
You can push these up slightly for the PSU rails but I would advise against raising the slot draw above 75w

By default the gaming 6 comes with the slot set to 66w and the psu lines at 162w each, when you raise the power lmit it raises these all by 8% as well so the slot ends up at 72w and the psu rails end up at 175w each

But the total max is still 300w so they'll never actually get that high
20 Aug 2020
South Wales
Tweaked the BIOS on both of my MSI GTX 980TI GAMING 6G, didn't like the fans turning off and having high idle temps of 38 to 40c. My room is very warm at the moment, just over 25c, case temp is 27c.

Even at 60% fan speed I cannot hear the fans on these cards over my case fans, so I saved the BIOS with nvflash, GPU-Z 0.84 kept freezing for some reason. Worked ok on my 980 G1's.

I changed the the minimum fan speed on both to 15% (660rpm), my cards now idle at 31c in a 27c case temp, much better.

Here is the original BIOS


Tweaked one, only changed the fan speeds and the temp targets.


When I flashed the first time the fan speed was idling at just over 1000rpm at 25% which was to much.

Flashed again with the BIOS settings above and my screen went black during the flash :eek:, left if for a few minutes and still nothing. I had no choice but to power off with the case button. Started up and no display, got extremely nervous here. While still on I plugged my HDMI cable into the motherboard and the IGP display worked instantly and I could see both 980 Ti's in the device manager though unusable.

Flashed again with nvflash and that was successful this time, rebooted and the cards worked again at my new lower fan speed, crisis averted thankfully. Thank god for IGP's :)

I have flashed with nvflash around 5 times in the last 2yrs and never had that issue.
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31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
Tweaked the BIOS on both of my MSI GTX 980TI GAMING 6G, didn't like the fans turning off and having high idle temps of 38 to 40c. My room is very warm at the moment, just over 25c, case temp is 27c.

Even at 60% fan speed I cannot hear the fans on these cards over my case fans, so I saved the BIOS with nvflash, GPU-Z 0.84 kept freezing for some reason. Worked ok on my 980 G1's.

I changed the the minimum fan speed on both to 15% (660rpm), my cards now idle at 31c in a 27c case temp, much better.

Here is the original BIOS


Strange your original BIOS shows no boost limit almost like its disabled?
31 Jan 2012
What framerates are people getting in GTA 5 at Ultra with MSAA on etc?

I'm considering getting one of these, (maybe another in a few months) but I play at 5760x1080 and all the game benchmarks I find for GTA seem to vary at least 10fps between sites, with each using diff settings?

30 Mar 2010
If anyone's wondering about the liklihood of an EK block for the Classified, there's this post on the EVGA forums:

About the 980Ti Classy...

I received a fair amount of emails since the reply from one of our rep being posted here.

For now, I don't have a firm answer to this question about the block for the 980Ti Classy.
There's currently discussions between EVGA and EK about it.

As soon as I personaly receive an answer, I will keep you updated here.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
28 Aug 2014
What framerates are people getting in GTA 5 at Ultra with MSAA on etc?

I'm considering getting one of these, (maybe another in a few months) but I play at 5760x1080 and all the game benchmarks I find for GTA seem to vary at least 10fps between sites, with each using diff settings?


I play at 3440x1440 and have everything maxed but no AA as I don't find it nessasary at the PPI I have! I get between 70-90 FPS depending on location, my average frame-rate from the built-in benchmark was 82FPS.
31 Jan 2012
I play at 3440x1440 and have everything maxed but no AA as I don't find it nessasary at the PPI I have! I get between 70-90 FPS depending on location, my average frame-rate from the built-in benchmark was 82FPS.

Wow! and is that with MSAA and the Advanced Graphics on btw?

Also I know my i7 2600 would bottleneck me, but by how much?
Would I gain more frames getting a new cpu too?
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