I'll mention it in here as well as more people will probably read this but:
I have two 980Ti's in SLI, performance was perfect, then it randomly dipped, a reboot didnt fix it, but it would sometimes decide to be fine again, I went to single GPU with both GPU's and they both had the dip in the exact same way, its fair to say thats the motherboard at that point right?
So I activated the backup BIOS and performance is as expected again, but if it happens again randomly, is it fair to assume a motherboard replacement is needed?
Its very strange though as GPU usage is high even when performance dips, clocks are fine etc, there just seems to be something that knocks a good 30/40fps off performance! which is quite a bit of an FPS dip, I think its safe to assume that at least one of my 980Ti's is fine so I can rule them out, CPU seems to be operating fine as well
It's a Z97-SOC Gigabyte motherboard btw, but motherboards are the areas I have the least amount of knowledge, could they really sporadically affect PCI-E performance that hard? even when Afterburner shows GPU usage etc is fine?