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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

thanks again tyler_jrb.

Tried the windforce on its own to see what temps we get in my system. Its a much better card than the MSI in terms of OC'ing and cooling with just a slight be more noise from the triple fan setup.

Also did a asic quality check (curiosity sake) and the windforce is 86.3% vs the MSI at 68%.. The MSI would clock to 1470mhz on stock volts, 109/91deg power limit/temp. The windforce on stock volts with same limits will reach 1550mhz without any issues. Not pushed it higher than that but after a good hour gaming temp is under 65degC.

So, windforce is definitely the cooler card and better performing BUT not sure what I'm going to do now. I don't feel like I need to upgrade my system as my 3770k @ 4.5ghz over 3yrs has been solid and more than ample performance for my needs.

Possible options I'm thinking of at the moment.

Try a 1155 socket mobo with extra PCI spacings. S/hand ebay (cheapest option)
AIO cooler on the MSI (would still need PCI spacing as height of H/sink pump would foul lower card)
Sell the MSI 6G and get a second windforce (to use with s/hand 1155 mobo) (extra expense over above with potential for better OC on second windforce)
try a custom loop to cool SLI 980ti's or also include CPU (most expensive option)

Need to have a think but so far new windforce is offering a few extra Frames over my MSI as a single card setup with stable overclocking on both.
thanks again tyler_jrb.

Tried the windforce on its own to see what temps we get in my system. Its a much better card than the MSI in terms of OC'ing and cooling with just a slight be more noise from the triple fan setup.

Also did a asic quality check (curiosity sake) and the windforce is 86.3% vs the MSI at 68%.. The MSI would clock to 1470mhz on stock volts, 109/91deg power limit/temp. The windforce on stock volts with same limits will reach 1550mhz without any issues. Not pushed it higher than that but after a good hour gaming temp is under 65degC.

So, windforce is definitely the cooler card and better performing BUT not sure what I'm going to do now. I don't feel like I need to upgrade my system as my 3770k @ 4.5ghz over 3yrs has been solid and more than ample performance for my needs.

Possible options I'm thinking of at the moment.

Try a 1155 socket mobo with extra PCI spacings. S/hand ebay (cheapest option)
AIO cooler on the MSI (would still need PCI spacing as height of H/sink pump would foul lower card)
Sell the MSI 6G and get a second windforce (to use with s/hand 1155 mobo) (extra expense over above with potential for better OC on second windforce)
try a custom loop to cool SLI 980ti's or also include CPU (most expensive option)

Need to have a think but so far new windforce is offering a few extra Frames over my MSI as a single card setup with stable overclocking on both.

Your cheapest and easiest option is to cool the MSI with an AIO.
Don't know if its worth a look for anyone but I did a bit of a 4k setting review on GTAV in that thread:


Was really just an overall summary of what I was able to achieve along with a few notable points from the GPUZ logs I was running in the background.

Really really happy with my setup just now. Im still going under water eventuaklly but for now, very happy.

hlennie - that used to happen to me only it wasn't only when games crashed. Full screen videos on youtube used to make my clocks drop and I resolved it via the power settings in NVC. I changed it to adaptive and it was all good after that

Cheers for the heads up
Calling out to all Ti owners: I know it's a guess at best but in your opinion, is it still worth getting one in a few weeks time? I'm going back and forth on the matter and could use some input.

Although they're a fantastic card and still will be when 16/14nm arrive, with GTC right around the corner where we'll get some solid info I wouldn't spend so much now on a Ti
Although they're a fantastic card and still will be when 16/14nm arrive, with GTC right around the corner where we'll get some solid info I wouldn't spend so much now on a Ti

I hear you, cheers. The idea was, because I'm in need of more performance, to get a Ti now, then hold out until Pascal Ti is here, skipping the non-Ti Pascal.
Sell your 970 on the bay for good money, find a cheap (~£400) 980ti second hand but new with warranty. Sell 980 ti for good money when pascal ti arrives
Quoting Kaapstad from another thread my idea would make perfect sense if true (who knows):

That will only be with the full fat cards which we will be unlikely to see until next year.

This year it will be cheap to make mid range Polaris/Pascal cards that the vendors will milk their customers with for very little performance increase over Fiji/Maxwell.

As shocking as it sounds from AMD and NVidias point of view it makes excellent business sense.

I always buy new, no exceptions ;)
Calling out to all Ti owners: I know it's a guess at best but in your opinion, is it still worth getting one in a few weeks time? I'm going back and forth on the matter and could use some input.

I just bought one and i'm more than happy with it. I was waiting originally but after hearing the new TI's won't be out until until early/mid next year i just bit the bullet. My 680 was getting very long in the tooth for everything i needed it to be doing, so it was a no brainer for me.

With your 970 it's a little different, if you can sell it for a decent price and upgrade i'd do it. If it does everything you need it to do then keep it and wait it out.
Bought a s/hand z77 board with excellent pci-e spacing (3 lanes between PCI-E's) so I will post my temp results once I get it installed with the MSI 6G and the G1. I think this is probably the largest gap I could get between graphics cards so stand a good chance of getting temps under control.

I was going to sell my old mobo to recoup some of the cost but I might just keep it for a separate system build. Have DDR 3 spare would just need a skt 1155 CPU.

The little chance I've had to sample 980Ti SLI (with current temp issues) all games seem to run over 60fps @ 4k.
When I was on Z77 with x2 windforce 670's, the Asus P8 Z77 V pro board I had was pretty ok with theese non ref cards. My later Z87 Maximus 6 formula though had a much narrower gap so temps were a bit higher. Moreso when using windforce 780's in sli. The pitfalls of non reference cards in sli.

Like your self I had a 970 gtx sold it on the bay for 230 then brought a classified 980ti for 460 and this card had never been registered.

I'm really impressed with the card clocks to 1500/8000 easily not fully tried all the games I have on my computer but batman Arkham knight used to be a pig on the 970 on the 980ti it flies and the card is only clocking to 1110 and about 35-50 usage @ 2560 x 1440 if I add dsr it will then clock to 1500 and 98 usage.

go TI is what I say you will love it
I've had 3 980Ti now:

  • Gigabyte G1 Gaming - RMA'd after 3 days due to coil whine
  • MSI Gaming 6G - Kept for 6 months or so, nice quiet card but didn't clock as I'd have liked.
  • EVGA Classified - The best of the 3, great clocker and more than acceptable acoustics.

I'm currently mulling over a second Classified. These cards (980Ti) are great. :cool:

Like your self I had a 970 gtx sold it on the bay for 230 then brought a classified 980ti for 460 and this card had never been registered.

I'm really impressed with the card clocks to 1500/8000 easily not fully tried all the games I have on my computer but batman Arkham knight used to be a pig on the 970 on the 980ti it flies and the card is only clocking to 1110 and about 35-50 usage @ 2560 x 1440 if I add dsr it will then clock to 1500 and 98 usage.

go TI is what I say you will love it

I'm afraid we don't have the bay here and second hands aren't really there (that's okay, I prefer new anyway).

You have tried far cry primal with it? That one is really killing my GPU FPS wise at 1440p and I'm not going near tomb raider with this ha ha!

But yeah I'm trying to scrape the cash together for a classy (or FTW worst case scenario). Painstakingly slow process ha ha!

Thanks for all your input lads!
I saw a 20% increase in FPS going from my 780Ti to 980Ti.
In real terms in means 1440p gets about the same or slightly more fps that I was before using 1080p.

I did however run into dips in the low 30s gaming at 1440p, the lowest I have seen now is 45 (instead of the 20% - 36fps) This is Squad greenlight maxed out with SweetFX mod
I saw a 20% increase in FPS going from my 780Ti to 980Ti.
In real terms in means 1440p gets about the same or slightly more fps that I was before using 1080p.

I did however run into dips in the low 30s gaming at 1440p, the lowest I have seen now is 45 (instead of the 20% - 36fps) This is Squad greenlight maxed out with SweetFX mod

Yeah that's what I'm expecting from it more or less, whilst hoping it'll allow me more maxed out settings (not all obviously, but selectively most) @ 1440p.

So I'm going for it a.s.a.p.: GTX 980 Ti > skip first Pascal > Pascal Ti.
What settings are you guys using for The Division at 2560x1440? Trying to maximize performance without affecting the visuals too much.
I've had my MSI 980Ti Gaming 6G since release and apart from maybe the new Tomb Raider game, I've never felt it was underpowered at 1440p and this is at stock clocks. It's never missed a beat and whilst I understand other people have had issues with drivers and what not, I've never had a problem. It's also a ridiculously quiet card. I do have coil whine, but I've had that in the last 7 gpus, so its probably something else on my system.

Unless the first Pascal gpu is amazing, I'm going to hold on to the 980ti untill they release the full sized version of Pascal.
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