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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

29 Feb 2012
+1 totally agree with changeable colours and yours looks better than the years of seeing boring aluminium bridges :)

You do know your tubing/coolant is red and the plastic on the SLI bridge is orange :p Next lazy step is the LED colour on the bridge by using red/orange plastic film.

It's meant to be shocking red spray paint it seems the more coats the oranger it got its not too bad the flash is on hard to take pictures with the light box on
11 Mar 2013
I'd rather just 1 TX as I play mainly in 1440P and the frames I get are ridonkulous as I never use AA and also a few games in 4K that run superbly and 2 kick out a lot of heat and I don't want to go the water cooling route any time soon.

Anyway my whole rig to me just looks cleaner with 1 x TX and it now only pulls 450w from the wall at peak load and that's with both CPU + GPU overclocked :)

This^ I game at 1440p and 1 Titan X is plenty. Pretty much every games goes over 60fps on ultra so I'm happy.
9 Nov 2014
How safe is it to flash the bios on these cards and run 120%+ power limit, I've read although you may be able to keep the core temps under control, there's other things like the memory you can't see which can get hot.

I have been using one of those for a while but I'm using the Hybrid Cooler so have no issues with temperatures.
25 Jul 2013
The hybrid cooler does stop your card from throttling due to heat though. I haven't seen mine get higher than 50 degrees during a heavy gaming session.
10 Nov 2006
Never had a problem with temps so don't see the need for more cooling, I do have a problem with throttling due to hitting the 110% power limit though, this drops my overclock from 1400/1450mhz to 1340/1380mhz.

Any solutions?
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28 Feb 2013
I am using the EVGA hybrid Cooler on my TX and have heatsinks on the Vram and vrm on backside. My gaming temps are around 43-45C.
I have used modded bios and really pushed it, at times, and although I need to put the fan up to 85% my benching runs don't get above 50C on the core. I have checked the back with Infra-red temp gun and hottest area I find is 77C.

I should really go custom water cooling but I change stuff quite often and the hassle always puts me off.

Just re-ran some benchmarks after upgrading to Win 10 and reached 20th on FireStrike Ultra Hall of Fame :D with score of 5480. TX was at 1547 memory 8208 (2052).

Was able on Win 8 and older drivers to get core a bit higher, but for a TX with its more limited voltage systems compared to the custom 980Ti's I am very pleased

Was going to get a Fury X for my other rig but the whining problem is really putting me off. That 980Ti HOF is now tempting me.
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