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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

15 Jun 2009
South London
When I fitted an AIO to my 980Ti non reference I noticed the whole card was a lot cooler to the touch, before the backplate was almost untouchable (temps ranging from 75-79c under load). The absolute Max I've seen with a Corsair H75 and push pull SP120 quiet editions is 55c, but usually the temps are between 45c and 51c. You should get a 20c drop minimum on a Titan X.

I think an AIO like the EVGA Hybrid should pretty much negate the need for the blower having to deal with the GPU, so theoretically the vrms should run cooler.
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20 Jan 2010
Have they fixed the SLI issues ? I only play Battlefield and I keep getting out of memory crashes after a couple of mins. All is well if I turn off SLI.
23 Nov 2014
The Cronx
So after flashing my bios I'm happy with the extra performance and think this is the way I want to run my card 24/7 but temps get up to 84c which I believe it is ok on stock cooling but everything's very loud now and I'm a little worried about the VRam temps.

So who would recommend the Hybrid EVGA cooler?

What would this bring my 84C max temp down by and the noise? Will it help Vram temps?

Also where should I fit it in my case? A B or C? I have a H100i cooler strapped to the top of the case so it can't go there.

And are they out of stock everywhere?

I have the same case as you and run 2xTX. Front is 3xSP120s in, top 2xSP120s in through an H100i, rear in a single AF140 out. I had similar temps with 1 TX as you and tried all sorts of combinations. Best thing to do is a custom fan profile in Afterburner - that gets me never more than 70 on top card and 60 on bottom, even with current summer temps. Its silent at idle and loud at full whack with 30c ambieng. Hope this helps.
28 Feb 2013
So after flashing my bios I'm happy with the extra performance and think this is the way I want to run my card 24/7 but temps get up to 84c which I believe it is ok on stock cooling but everything's very loud now and I'm a little worried about the VRam temps.

So who would recommend the Hybrid EVGA cooler?

What would this bring my 84C max temp down by and the noise? Will it help Vram temps?

Also where should I fit it in my case? A B or C? I have a H100i cooler strapped to the top of the case so it can't go there.

And are they out of stock everywhere?

I use the Evga AIO in my TX and it never goes above 50c. When gaming it runs around 43-45c and that is boosting to 1410.
I normally leave the blower fan at 26% when gaming and increase it when benching with >1.23 volts.
I use ram heatsinks and smaller heatsinks on the chips on the back and it has brought temps right down. With the heatsinks on it is difficult to get accurate reading with infra-red temp gun but the ram is below 60c and there is one area under the vrms that got up to 77c, with 1.28v at that time,
2 Apr 2004
Ok pretty much ready to pull the trigger but do I go for 2 now, see how they handle 7860x1440 and then get a 3rd if needed or just get 3 now ?

Read some stuff on SLi being fine but TriSLi having some issues with stutter ?

They will go in the rig on air to start and then be integrated into the water cooling loop replacing 3x 4GB 670's once I sort blocks/backplates out.
19 May 2004
I got mine properly idling again so I am back to 30C idle, I have to rev my fans up a bit to keep 1500/8000 cool during my longer sessions as I only have a single 120mm radiator but I still keep it below 60C.


Not really room to add in a larger radiator :p
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18 May 2003
I've just ordered the evga 980 AIO to go on my Titan X, those of you guys who have done this am I best following the Titan X AIO instructions or the 980? I guess Titan X

Also for those asking, an EVGA rep confirmed in their thread that the only difference between the 980/980Ti and TX AIOs is just the name on the shroud, they are all interchangeable.
29 Feb 2012
I got mine properly idling again so I am back to 30C idle, I have to rev my fans up a bit to keep 1500/8000 cool during my longer sessions as I only have a single 120mm radiator but I still keep it below 60C.


Not really room to add in a larger radiator :p

Nice build m8 I bet that was fiddly to get everything in there?
19 May 2004
There is a VERY specific build order now the loop is constructed lol, but getting that last line from the GPU that heads back into the case to the far connection on the radiator was a pain to get just right.

Well if you must build your PC in a bread bin...:D

Touche :D
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15 Jun 2003
Is there a selling forum on here as I'm looking to sell my TX?

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