The hangout thread (organising social gaming etc)

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Thanks for the Game guys. Demeo is a really nice pace of game and time really goes by quickly. Hard to believe we were nearly two hours playing, it didn't seem like that at all.

And I still think one of the best things about the game is the multiple ways to finish each level. We are getting better too. :)
There are a few among us copies about, rec room etc, I wonder how well they compare. It's a fairly simple game, so i could easily imagine it's been replicated fairly accurately. Definitely would be a fun game to play though! Might need more than the usual 4.
I should be on Monday. We did finish Demeo, unless we want another run at the rat king, think I fancy something else then back to demeo later.

Might be able to make Sunday, but I don't know.
Didn't realise there was a new dungeon coming. Definitely pencil that in.

Don't have After the fall, is it crossbuy on oculus?
I've enjoyed playing After The Fall. It's not particually polished - quite a bit of jankyness in places, but by goodness does it throw lots of zombies at you so it's pretty intense.

I got the Steam version but that'll also work as Oculus Air Link too.
Just played a couple of After the Fall missions with 2 randoms and a bot, lots of fun. Definitely interested in playing more and would be happy to have it as a hangout game.
Definitely up for After the fall, enjoying it a lot so far. Unfortunately my headset just died so I dropped out of a fun mission with some guys I'd partied up with.
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