The Happy thread - Positive posts only :-)

18 Dec 2008
I have finally been awarded with my criminal injuries compensation, after 5 years and 11 months of waiting! It is also considerably more than I was expecting l, as I had been told by my solicitors to expect upto a certain amount, and most likely the low end of that.

I am ecstatic, to make things even sweeter, my solicitors are also taking much less than expected. They are only taking 25% from the main part of the award, and not from the whole amount.

Don't get me wrong, whilst this is a life changing sum of money for me, I am not suddenly Daddy Warbucks. Though for the first time in my life since before getting with the psychotic ex, I am now entirely debt free!
31 Jan 2022
I have finally been awarded with my criminal injuries compensation, after 5 years and 11 months of waiting! It is also considerably more than I was expecting l, as I had been told by my solicitors to expect upto a certain amount, and most likely the low end of that.

I am ecstatic, to make things even sweeter, my solicitors are also taking much less than expected. They are only taking 25% from the main part of the award, and not from the whole amount.

Don't get me wrong, whilst this is a life changing sum of money for me, I am not suddenly Daddy Warbucks. Though for the first time in my life since before getting with the psychotic ex, I am now entirely debt free!

Lend us a tenner? :cry:
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Got a promotion at my dojo at the weekend which was unexpected.

We had a game of royal rumble before the BBQ and I heard the instructors say (go for him) i.e. me. All submissions were allowed, took 4 people to finally get me to the ground (after being able to sweep the to the floor a few times) and then another person to do a dirty toe lock for me to succumb! :cry:

It was the blooming black belt that did the toe lock cheating bugger! :D

Feedback: it's like trying to move a bloody grand piano. :cool:

It's amazing how much development you notice in your skills over periods of time. I'll never be a pro nor will I ever be a regular competition gold medalist nor world champion, but that's not the reason I train. I train because it's fun, a great sport but also just does give you a little bit of stuff in your toolkit if ever you need it. Ultimately I love learning new skills. Plus it's an amazing social life. And who doesn't want to get hot and sweaty with other blokes (and the occasional woman)?
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