The hating of the English.

I can only speak for myself, but when I lived in England for 3 years I found it very difficult to meet new people, and the whole atmosphere in all the cities I've visited (10-15 places) had the same impression. Everyone keep themselves to themselves, and seem to always be stressed, depressed, grumpy, or just simply give off the vibe "I don't want to be here".
I have lived in Northern Ireland for 3 years now and the difference is enormous. People are open and chatty and very friendly. I often find myself talking to a stranger at the bus station or on the train, and people smile at eachother and are very polite. Needless to say, England has left a pretty bad impresson on me.
Don't get me wrong, I did meet awesome people in England, but the people you don't know and bump in to while out and about generally gave off a negative vibe.
I'm from Scandinavia.
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I think I have a rather apt Chinese proverb here.

An old man was sitting on a hill in between two towns when a man walked up and asked him what the people were like in the next town. The old man says, how were the people in the town you were coming from? Rude, ignorant and outright bad people was the response. I think you'll find the same type of people in the next town too he replied.

Later on a second person came along and asked the same question. The old man once again asked how they were in the town he was coming from. Lovely people was the response, so friendly. I think you'll find the people in the next town are just a nice too he replied.
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Never experienced any sort of hate for been English even when in Scotland for extended periods, i know it does happen and im not blind to it, i just haven't experienced it... i have however experienced racism in England by 'English' folk for been mixed race ... w/e really. (It does make me wonder if these people understand the majority of the blood lines in this country are heavily mixed as a result of thousands of years of invasions and interbreeding even before the world became multi cultural in the modern sense).

The English as a people rarely do anything to make me especially proud to be a member of the society at large so i don't see why anyone would expect any kind of special treatment based solely on been British but... alas i see it every day, they do.
As an Aussie I can say you Poms are alright :) After WW1 there was a real resentment amongst the returning troops and then there was the bodyline incident in an ashes series which didn't help relations. We make fun of you guys but there is no hate there unlike some of the welsh and Irish I have met when they talk about the English. But of course you got the English hating the English. There's still hate between Lancashire and Yorkshire peeps ha!
When I go on holidays abroad and foreigners ask where I'm from I tell them I'm from Cork in Ireland.
When asked what football team I support I don't admit to liking football.
I find the holiday can go a bit smoother using the above after some experiences I've had.

Really? ive found the total opposite. Never had a bad experience when saying im british/english.

I do hate football tho :o
maybe just hate passed on from generation to generation through the ages, i find a lot of people hate things (people,cars,countries,food etc) when they have no experience of them and they get their ideas from what others think and a lot of the time some people act as though they hate something just so they have an opinion or want to be seen as "cool" or whatever.

or maybe, for example= a group of kids hear their parents berating another country and its people and the kids then pass that on to their friends who then go along with it. kind of like a snowball effect.

meh, i judge individual people but i have nothing but dislike for ******.
Haven't we got the best football team in the world? :D:D

Yeh of course we have, i mean it was actually England disguised as Spain that won the Euro 2012 and before that the WC 2010;)....dem pesky english folk, just about had everyone fooled that it was Spain that won them 2 trophies when really it was the english:p.
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