I've adopted some plants! They're putting mine to shame. It feels like I'm cheating my way to chillis now.
Saying that though, guy said that one of the strains is a 'yellow scorpion' and can achieve upwards of 1million scoville, don't think I'll be cooking with those. What do you guys do with your ridiculous hot chillies?
I now have 3 of the scorpions and 3 scotch bonnets.
One of the plants he's given me is looking in a bit of a state, covered in white fly, he said he had a bit of an outbreak in one of his pollytunnels but has treated all his plants. Looks a bit grim but they all seem to be dead.
If I see any signs of life from the little buggers I'm going to stick the plant outside for a bit and see if nature can thin the herd of beasties. I don't really want my greenhouse full of them.
A couple of his plants are looking fairly yellow, much more noticeable in the pictures, I'll see if I can get them back within acceptable parameters.
Saying that though, guy said that one of the strains is a 'yellow scorpion' and can achieve upwards of 1million scoville, don't think I'll be cooking with those. What do you guys do with your ridiculous hot chillies?
I now have 3 of the scorpions and 3 scotch bonnets.
One of the plants he's given me is looking in a bit of a state, covered in white fly, he said he had a bit of an outbreak in one of his pollytunnels but has treated all his plants. Looks a bit grim but they all seem to be dead.
If I see any signs of life from the little buggers I'm going to stick the plant outside for a bit and see if nature can thin the herd of beasties. I don't really want my greenhouse full of them.
A couple of his plants are looking fairly yellow, much more noticeable in the pictures, I'll see if I can get them back within acceptable parameters.