The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

just been messing about with the super DOF option on gmod


cant believe i had never noticed it before:o
Was doing some config tweaking for my laptop today for Stalker & Crysis, thought I'd post the results! (Screens 1920x1200 resized to 1280x800)
laptop ?
mine would probably roll over and die even if i mentioned crysis to it.....not that i talk to my laptop:p
Matrix style, biznatch!


My first go on Gmod, so don't be harsh :P

What have you done? You've killed him!

Nice pic :) The TF2 models are the hardest to pose (except the face), but they are the most satisfying.

Welcome to the awesomeness that is gmod.

im gonna be doing this for hours on end now :p



I don't know how I ever got by without super DOF.
apart from the weird FOV, those flatout screens look awesome :P

Flatout 1&2 are on steam for a tenner, very tempting :)
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