The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

The game is severely unbalanced, I currently have one health pack and some bandages against 20 odd enemies, my only saved game is an hour before, GREAT.

Also my health is going down with no reason why, I know it flashes red when bleeding but none of that is happening.




Such a shame that you can't take the Barrett M82 with you after you've killed the guy and taken the chopper out.

Yeah :( I wonder where that gun came from in the first place anyway, and the new guns you use afterwards - they deffo weren't there before.

I tried to get a screeny of the guys arm blowing off but just couldn't time it right.
The game is severely unbalanced, I currently have one health pack and some bandages against 20 odd enemies, my only saved game is an hour before, GREAT.

Also my health is going down with no reason why, I know it flashes red when bleeding but none of that is happening.

well they made the game harder as in first one u would have 40 packs of med and 100 bandages. u probably loosing health from radiation
LOTRO - Rivendell and the Last Homley Home (1920 x 1200 max everything on lappy)
You don't know how much this shot makes me want to subscribe.

The game is severely unbalanced, I currently have one health pack and some bandages against 20 odd enemies, my only saved game is an hour before, GREAT.

Also my health is going down with no reason why, I know it flashes red when bleeding but none of that is happening.

4MB PNGs? You're as bad as the BMP guy :p
The game is severely unbalanced, I currently have one health pack and some bandages against 20 odd enemies, my only saved game is an hour before, GREAT.

Also my health is going down with no reason why, I know it flashes red when bleeding but none of that is happening.

You're infected with radiation. Drink some vodka or take anti-rads or something. You can see you've got radiation poisoning by the little bit of red under the needle that sweeps over when you enter a radioactive area. The thing doesn't flash when you're infected, only when you're bleeding, or when you're in a dangerous zone.
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