The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

I know it sounds weird, but i would honestly beat one out over those TR:U screenys!

Tomb raider looks brilliant, might have to buy it.
what are the controls like ? they always let it down on pc before, might get it on a console.

and GTA still looks unimpressive.
Is it me or are lara's legs way too long compared to the rest of the body ? From her crotch to head is like half the length of her legs...
+1 :p they have butchered it :( worst port everrrrrr

Those screenies have the in-game 'Gaussian Blur' feature enabled...

They're not really indicative. Games looks stunning and runs fine on my system which is almost 18 months old now... standard quad core / 4gb / 8800gtx SLI set-up.
Maybe they will make the next gta dx10 only. The first game developed for dx10 only will be the real advance people are looking for I think

Im still fine with bf2 :p

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Lets face it GTA4 looked pretty poor on consoles too.

In your opinion... which, is wrong.

It looked fine on consoles and it looks fine on PC too. When you consider EVERYTHING the game is doing, and just how much it is actually rendering, it's doing an amazing job.
Here's some GTA 4:









The textures on HIGH quality delay on screen so you often find objects popping in or road surface fading in - kinda lame but funnily enough even once loaded the FPS is more 30+ than on MEDIUM.

Will probably hold off continuing play until patch is released WITH FSAA support.

Anyone also notice when you pan the camera down that it goes into a cinemascope-o-vision? ultra wide like! - I kind of like that :p

I also saw some people in cars driving by DROPPING LITTER OUT OF THE window. I beat them up ¬_¬
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