The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Is that helicopter game an hardcore sim (ie you are doomed if you are a noob with no joystick?) or can you play it if you're noob?
It does have two modes one for die hards and one for casual. Die hard involves flicking about 20 switches just to turn the engines on. Casual you just press left windows key and home and it presses all the keys for you. I have a MS sidewinder pro 2 and it handled quite well. Imagine GTA4 choppers with abit more smoothness and controllability. Great looking game though, got my freetrack working and its great looking around the cockpit.
its very strange that SR2 is capped at 30fps
i mean even the consoles had the option to disable vsync which gave it much higher framerates :confused:
That's not it's only problem though, it drops to below 32 regurally ( well all the time actually unless standing still looking at a wall) and looks same as San Andreas, which runs @ 100-200 fps for me :rolleyes:. Popup is even worse than in SA too, about the same as in Vice city. I don't understand how it can run this poorly while looking as something you drop in your toilet from your ***. Emulated PS2 games in PCSX2.0 run much better for me while having the sameish graphics.
Snowdog, why do you keep torturing yourself with SR2? It's causing you physical pain, just get rid of it!
It's weird, I'm sure it doesn't look that bad on the 360?
Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9) with PMDG MD-11, Aerosoft London Heathrow 2008, Active Sky 6.5 for the weather. So I assume it was foggy in London at around 3:30pm today?

Final at Heathrow on runway 27L, runway lights in sight.


Ready for landing, this will be an autolanding.


Runway insight!


Touchdown :)



Can you use AA in POP? It'd look a lot better with it since it has a lot of defined edges.

Yes you can, but it makes little difference because a lot of the edges are using transparent textures which normal AA does not cover (you'd need transparency/adaptive AA).

That said, in motion, the jaggies aren't that bad because the game uses a weird post-processing effect that sort of makes the edges less jaggy; it's hard to see in screenshots.
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