The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Silent Hill Homecoming (or Silent Hill5 whatever!!)

Essential buy if your a fan of survival horror games & or Silent Hill and as you can see the levels set in the otherworld look reasonable. Sceenshots cannot capture all the debris and other shader FX like the coloured film grain filter which is always on. But the normal world gfx are not very good at all as the design is intended to be bland and realistic and they look average at best plus the heavy fog filter obscures everything so not point taking screenies of that! Not a long game or a great game especially compared to the other PC SH games this is dead last but it does have a few good moments and is worth a buy if you like the others but everyone else will probably hate it as the game is also seriously short (I reckon it can be completed in around 3 hours). Uses Steam activation only but you cannot buy it on UK Steam only retail DVD-Rom. Also be aware the game is badly coded on all platforms (PS3+X360) and stutters in places on some cut scenes regardless of how good your hardware is. Unlikely to be patched either as its sold very poorly which is why the Japanese team behind SH1-4 were disbanded & sacked as SH4 flopped as well so Konami turned to a US developer for this with the same results!! If they had not rushed this game it would have been so much better as all it needed was more time to polish (like they all do nowadays!!).

The nurses from Silent Hill2 have returned!









More Silent Hill Homecoming









Below is the character you play in the game. His expression must be when he realises how much stuttering this game has regardless of hardware:eek:
Any control issues? is it like MAX PAYNE control wise?
You need an X360 or other dual analog gamepad otherwise keyboard is too fiddly. Not like Max Payne more like the other Silent Hill or Resident Evil games.Controls are fine its the cutscene stuttering which is the only technical issue but its on all platforms so must be a coding bug.
Is that Stalker?

Looks awesome.

Yeah, Clear Sky. Been meaning to get it completed but have only really started to get into it recently, i think the original state it came in ruined it for many people :( Its smooth and very stable now though with the latest patch. The graphics in it are pretty damn insane, with the lighting being really impressive.

To above ^^ Whats yours specs Neg ?
To above ^^ Whats yours specs Neg ?

Jealous are we?

E8400 @ 4Ghz
4Gb Kinston Hyper X 1066
GTX 260 '216' @ 656/1414/1075 & 60% fan on games.

I turned some settings up, water down 1 notch, and shadow density down to 0, as the soft shadows look ghey.
I've yet to see a GTA4 screenshot that looks appealing. The textures are mud, the shadows are horrific and the game needs some serious AA.
I've yet to see a GTA4 screenshot that looks appealing. The textures are mud, the shadows are horrific and the game needs some serious AA.

^^^^^ what he said ^^^^^

seriously, there's no way that last screenie should be doing 37 fps. There's barely anything on screen!!!
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