DOD with HD Pack @ 2560x1600!
not bad for a what 5 years ol game.Bad graphics just at a higher resolution!
whats with the christmas tree/lights/presents?COD4 All maxed 16AA Supersamples Maxed AF Maxed @ 2560x1600!
whats with the christmas tree/lights/presents?
Call OF Juarez : Bound in Blood:
DennisK4, how do you get your images to kind look like in game but with JPEG format? As you can see mine are abit crap.
Dennis link to that mod please
and will it work with Steam ?
I see that your pics are about 200k in size while mine are 1mb or more...I think there is a difference in quality there. I make the JPEGs from BMPs in Photoshop using the highest possible quality (11 or 12, usually 12).