The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Im more concerned with bandwidth but I still dont want to waste time clicking on thumbnails and waiting for windows to appear. Save the thumbnails for the other thread unless its some obscure type pic or dare I say it, scoreboard
Thumbnails let you chose what you want to see yourself aswell..

I'm not really interested in seeing a WoW screenshot, likewise with people not wanting to see COD4 screenshots.
Online is good once you get in an instance with the ppl you meeting :(.

True but I never see anyone. That time me you and oshiz met up was the best time Ive had online. I did see a friend on my map today, so I tried spawning next to em. Low and behold they were not there. Its a great game with great ideas that haven't been carried out. Instead players have had to work around the system to meet up with people. Oh and don't get me started on people using mic's.
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Thread needs more Survivor and TF2!

We Engs know how to roll >_>


That games does look very good? is it action packed?

It does get quite action packed when all these aliens run at you in swarms! also other spidery bugs and stuff to blast. Quite fun and a bit of a change from the FPS games I also play (TF2/UT3)
how odd mrk lol, ive just started playing this for the first time recently (survivor). im loving it... refreshing and so far im on episode 4... still in suspense of the whole story comeing lol

the lighting is amazing at some points

It does get quite action packed when all these aliens run at you in swarms! also other spidery bugs and stuff to blast. Quite fun and a bit of a change from the FPS games I also play (TF2/UT3)

Looks extremely like the UT2K4 mod "Alien Swarm". You should check it out if you have 2k4:

I wonder if it was the same team even, they always said they were going to make a source conversion. . .
More Team Fortress 2 you say? OK then :p
Game is ridculous fun

Survivor is mega fun indeed :D

Also as for TF2 - I would post my scoreboard screens but we're not allowed scoreboards - I am Spy24/7 and after closely observing a SPy tutorial vid I have learnt some sneaky sneaky ways.

It would be better if on WoW you could actually see characters in the distance though, which you can't as it fades them out, at least when I played it did.
It would be better if on WoW you could actually see characters in the distance though, which you can't as it fades them out, at least when I played it did.
They do that because some people have to have their draw distance at small - therefore it would be unfair to them :p
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