Yet more Stalker Lurk mod, but this is the earlier mod, 0.9. I'm not sure which I prefer but for those of you that are considering having a go at these, well here are my criticisms so far.
LURK 1.1 (don't think I've installed the latest patch right with that) :
* No hud, fair enough since they are hell bent on realism which I like, but imo this doesn't work particularly well in practice.
*When hit quite a thick band around the edge of the screen goes a patchy red colour, making it a little too hard to see and focus imo. If they toned it down slightly it could be fine.
*While all the textures imo look great a few of them are washed out a little until you get close, perhaps due to the intense lighting.
LURK 0.9 :
*I think it must be due to your PDA but at times there is a bleeping sound which could get on your nerves, however, I did notice particularly when concentrating that I pretty much forgot all about it, so perhaps it wasn't all that bad.
*In the control mapping section in options I don't recall seeing a quick bandage / med kit option - though I may have missed it so I could be wrong there.
*In the brief period I have played so far, it did seem the worst mod so far for gun accuracy that was well known in the initial release of the game. It isn't that bad but the mods 'complete', 'oblivion lost' and the iirc the newer version of lurk seem substantially better balanced - though I still did enjoy the combat and my opinion may well change once I've had the time to get my teeth into the game for a few hours. Lastly, not so much of a niggle but I think the mutant dogs and other four legged creatures seemed faster and due to the weapon (realism) it was certainly more of a challenge than with the other mods, bit of a wake up call I can tell you!
Here's a few shots, hope you like them :