The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

I love 2142 effects.

Yarkanat said:

I want to know what texture pack is that! Pls provide a link

All links on the first page (under graphics packs). HERE

as of 5min ago I've just loaded in a newer texture pack. No screenies yet but after testing look for the latest update in my post linked above

*edit* tbh most of what you see that looks nice is'nt due to the texture pack I used. The armour is a mod with a lot of specular (lost paladins of the divine) and the scenes look better due to a mod called "natural enviroments".
if you go to the link above, you can find out all about them.
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benjo said:
Oops yeh, its ATi Tray tools using the OSD, with the motherboard monitor 5 plug in configureed :)

May seem like a stupid question but does ATI tray tools work with Nvidia cards?
Stalker using the latest patch (1.003):

I use the following flags when I start the game. They seem to really improve framerates and lessen stuttering as the game accesses the disk. Nointro simply skips the pointless intro movies.
-nointro -noprefetch -noshadows
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Not too sure about the "no shadows" flag. Will definitely improve performance but will also take away quite a large part of the amazing atmosphere in Stalker (especially indoors).
titaniumx3 said:
Not too sure about the "no shadows" flag. Will definitely improve performance but will also take away quite a large part of the amazing atmosphere in Stalker (especially indoors).
Yeah that's what I thought, shadows are always nice.
Whats almost as bad as people like benjo who dont "name that game". There are those that use abbreviations for games. :mad:
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