The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Marky said:
You have any farcry screenshots with it on "Paradise Mode"? :)

they are in paradise. I just checked and the difference between default and paradise is that paradise seems to make the sky more blue and everything a bit less dark. cold and cartoon look rubbish
HAIL!! I Bring you DiRT shots with 3fps w/ everything maxed!!

it wasnt even playable :(



These Dirt screenshots look smoother than a babies bottom, whats the deal? Looks almost prerendered with ridiculous amounts of anti-aliasing and high quality motion blur. What sort of FPS are people getting?
Just downloaded Colin Mcrae dirt after seeing the screens on here and it looks amazing.
I can only run it at medium quality and it still looks great, any higher and it slows my pc down too much.



So I noticed, pretty dam funny that no graphics card ever seems to be fast enough but then it does look stunning


PR 0.5, hopefully I'll get a decent pic of 0.6 soon
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