The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Heres some more crysis 2 other then ppl looking at walls or weapons hehehe :)
The One problem with Crysis 2 is its blur makes it hard to get good screens on the go :/










Looks about the same was maxxed out on settings
as for gameplay its ok but I think crysis 1 had better gameplay it seems to jump all over the place and you only have one path to follow :/
people who say it looks the same as the first two should go to specsavers :confused: the graphics are poor in comparison .

crysis 1 is the best looking overall
I don't know why people are saying Crysis is less linear than the first. It's not. You still have to go down the same route doing the same predefined objectives.

Stop complaining you annoying nobs.

As for the graphics they're basically the same. I think Crysis 2 looks prettier in parts, the first in others. It's just different scenery.
bit off topic but someone posted shots of a animation some guy was doing using crysis 1 engine. think it had extreamly good photo real insects and birds. cant seem to find the post with the search facility but was wondering if the guy finished the animation project.
Shogun 2, a few times in this battle i just had to put it in slow motion and admire how stunning it looked, no other RTS comes close. I barely notice jaggies (for me i only see them in screenshots not actually in game) and get a smooth 30-100fps framerate at every setting maxed/turned on. So much detail for how thousands of units on screen at once.

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