The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

If I am a casual RPG fan would I like the Whitcher 1?

I'd say so, yeah.

I'm not finding it all that RPG-heavy, not so much so that it's unnecessarily complex at least.

I'd play with a controller if possible as it makes for a far more enjoyable experience in my opinion.

The brick work on this is fantastic

Why do I read so many playing with ubersampling disabled?

It's an absolute frame rate annihilator, a beauty to behold but near unplayable.

Maybe once we get official crossfire support that won't be the case...

he said the witcher 1, does the pad work with that too?

Ah my bad, not that I'm aware of (although the mouse and keyboard is great in Witcher 1).

The Witcher 1 took a little while to get good but if you slog through the first chapter it get's fantastic very quickly.
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The Witcher 1 took a little while to get good but if you slog through the first chapter it get's fantastic very quickly.

well went ahead and bought it, is it a long game mate? I been trying to look up gameplay while its downloading but most of the stuff on youtube is in german, is the dialogue as stilted and people have said
well went ahead and bought it, is it a long game mate? I been trying to look up gameplay while its downloading but most of the stuff on youtube is in german, is the dialogue as stilted and people have said

I'd say easily 25+ hours if you rush through it, it's not uncommon to get 60 or more out of it.

How do you think I would run the Witcher 2? mind you not enjoying the Witcher 1 that much even though just started.

From what I've seen with other 580 owners, even on ultra (with ubersampling off) you should get a very playable game. Future driver releases will only improve it too.

Incoming screenshot spam, once again.
Posted these in the official thread but they can go here. 1680x1050 all Ultra (+ Far LOD distance,Very Large Texture memory and 16xAF forced in NVCP) uber sampling disabled. Getting between 40-60 FPS in the screenshots below on my GTX 470@800.





Move aside Crysis 1/Metro 2033, IMO The Witcher 2 is now the best looking PC game on the market, and it's actually a good game as well!
well went ahead and bought it, is it a long game mate? I been trying to look up gameplay while its downloading but most of the stuff on youtube is in german, is the dialogue as stilted and people have said

If you are talking about The Witcher 1, i finished it today and steam says 65 hours and i played it on easy. You have to grind through the first 2 chapters as it is not great to start out with, but it is amazing from 1/2 way through chapter 2 onwards.
It can be confusing sometimes though, as it is very poorly translated. Definitely stick with it though:).

With texture packs, it looks absolutely brilliant as well.
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