The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Shogun: Total War 2

Max Settings

Sorry if they're a bit big but it is the high res screenshot thread.

Game i think looks lovely but since the dx11 patch it has become a hog of a game.




Brink. I use photobucket why has my links shrunk?

photobucket free has a 1MB filesize limit, it'll resize them if u try upload any larger, try save as jpeg instead of png, as png's can be quite large

witcher 2 (addicted to this game :o)

AA option doesn't seem to work with my 6870 atm, i don't really notice jaggies in motion anyway - just happy it runs smooth on ultra(-uber sampling)
Medal of Honor Multiplayer - 2560x1600 32CSAA 16CSAF HABO - ON
everything very high

looks nice


do you have to buy brink from a store as its not on steam:?
The Witcher 2

Hate to quote images but otherwise you would know what i was talking about, but this and a few others seem to give the impression that Witcher 2 has a First Person mode?

There isn't (or as far as I'm aware at least). All my images are taken by running at walls to get the camera in nice and close, hence the perception of first person. There's only so many screenshots of Geralt a person can handle...


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