Yeah they do, they look mint, only a blind man would say otherwise.
No, they really don't.
I think the game's the best looking game out, but your screenshots are horrendous.
They dont look horrendous, but you are right, they dont look great compared to some of the other screens of the witcher, whether its where he's taken them, the greenery on one shot looks flat while other peoples look lusterous and colourful.
^^ Blind it is.
Lots of people talking about the Witcher 2 being amazing graphically, but I'm not impressed by any screens. Does it need motion?
How does Witcher 2 compare to the first one, I bought the first one and quite enjoyed it at first but I found that I got pretty bored with the game part way through (after the swamp areas with the toing and froing in the boat). Is Witcher 2 similar sort of gameplay? I'm curious, but I need more than it just looking pretty for me to buy it. Are there any plans for a demo?
Just completed Witcher 2 and it's easy one of the best games I have ever played " and I'm not an RPG fan " I never found myself being bored of it as it does not get repetitive at all, you won't regret buying it.