The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Few Single player shots.


why not man? theres so many times in BC2 ive wanted to prone and couldn't, its best all round and much more realistic to be honest, i mean a realistic war game when u cant prone :confused:

But when the other team are just bushmosters going prone in some bushes then it sort of ruins it for the people who dont want to be recons. I'd rather have a balanced game than a game full of bushmonsters.
If I see one more screen shot of Dues Ex, I swear will purchase it cannot resist anymore!

But when the other team are just bushmosters going prone in some bushes then it sort of ruins it for the people who dont want to be recons. I'd rather have a balanced game than a game full of bushmonsters.

I know what you mean for some reason on BC2 seems to have a lot more lamos camping (e.g. 50% snipers on one team) . But for some reason I never really found that issue on bf2, maybe it was the map layout, draw distance, UAVs, or the even command always spotting snipers. But prone is key in any real battlefield game there's been many times on BF2 when I have to go prone to evade helicopters or tanks and its saved my life.

They just need to make BF3 like BF2 not BC2, I believe they moved in the wrong direction with bad company its awful in comparison to BF2 be honest.
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I'm playing the original atm with new vision, it looks really good. I had some screenshots i was going to post but i can't find them. I'll post some tomorrow.

Here are a few for now:D


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