The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

L33, how have you managed to get crossfire to work with AW? I cannot get above 30fps in EF. Crossfire sucks!

It isn't working very well in terms of scaling, I get 50-60% usage across 4 GPUs, Using 12.3 RC drivers and 12.1 CAP 3. I'm currently editing the CAP file to see if I can improve it at all, just so time consuming as each edit requires a reboot :(

Some more shots:




L33, try RadeonPro with Crysis profile, force AFR and force High Process

Let me know results
Gave that a try, caused strobe like flashing for me. So far found the Dirt 3 profile is working the best so I've used that as a base to start editing from - getting ~55fps at maximum settings 5760x1200, but causing flickering in the main/pause menus and cutscenes which isn't the end of the world.
Gave that a try, caused strobe like flashing for me. So far found the Dirt 3 profile is working the best so I've used that as a base to start editing from - getting ~55fps at maximum settings 5760x1200, but causing flickering in the main/pause menus and cutscenes which isn't the end of the world.

It does it for me too but it settles down during gameplay!
YOu really should, just get these mods from Subsim -witrhout them the game is too buggy/unfinished. With them its very good indeed.

Thanks for that tip, bought SH5 in steam sales last year, barely touched it, might try at some point with those mods.

Alan Wake looks interesting.

Dear Ester is stunning but it won't be everyone's cup of tea, it is a bit like walking through an art gallery and having a curator telling you the story behind what you are seeing, you may love it or you may hate it but be aware it is not a game, just a walk through story telling with great gfx, sound/music/narration and incredible atmosphere, but its very short and with very little if any replay-ability! Will have some screen shots of it soon.

EDIT: Dear Ester:
(taken at max res of 2560x1600 and max settings, shrunk to a more friendly 1600x1200)














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Perhaps we should rename this the Skyrim Screenshots thread..... it's getting boring now!

If only people posted the way I recommended :D

1 picture, then the rest of the pictures in spoiler tags.

Page would load faster, and it wouldn't jump all over the place when you are scrolling down and more images load.

And you can just expand the spoilers of the games you want to look at.
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