***The High-Res Screenshot Thread!***

A game I really enjoyed and I think a lot of people missed was ADR1FT:




It's a stunning game at 3440x1440 but really intended for VR. I imagine it would make a lot of people sick with the zero gravity thing though. It's shame the game is a bit short with not a lot of replay value.

Not sure if I should have posted this in this thread or the widescreen thread!?
The controls seemed so weird when trying it out in VR. I don't get motion sick but that game started me off, so I stopped quickly.
Maybe I'll go back and play in plain old 2D.
I found it much easier to control (especially in VR) with an Xbox pad.

Great shots, it really is a stunning looking game.
Now this is what I bought a new 4k screen & 1080 for.


FInally I got a bit of a smile, I love the materials (first game where things actually look like the material its supposed to imo), style is good & the top image has that concept art painterly style. Loving playing as a johny nmemonic level 5 hacker too. Great game
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