***The High-Res Screenshot Thread!***

Thanks for reminding me, I always liked Dawn demo, and it still works..

Somehow I doubt such a demo would get created today..

Have to say, they do somewhat reinforce the "gamer" stereotype :p

Played some birthday GTFO with my brothers last night - this game looks absolutely amazing on the QD-OLED; who needs RT when conventional lighting can look this good? :D





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Spicy Witcher 3:

Whoever art directed the outfits is a big fan of low cut lol.





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Must say RDR2 snow looking amazing, especially that winter settings, I 'll probs replay it just for the eye candy and to get back into the story and chars!

Uncharted looks awesome too, next game on whish list I think, after I'm done with GoW and Horizon I think!
Witcher 3 I loved a while but lost interest on Skellige, and now that I resume the play I'm often like ''ehh who's this and that again''. The narrator during loading scenes is perfect though, reminds me of the story well. I'll put that on the replay list as well I think!

I gladly wanted to give Fallout 4 a got but the loading screen bug (takes ages) hit me and I cba to fix it/trial and error stuff. It's not on a slow hdd but on a fast m2 ssd, it has 32gb ram, it has an [email protected] ghz and it has a 1080Ti. When it was new I played it on far worse hardware and then the loading times were normal!
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My first few hours in Star Citizen.

Tbh, i'm blow away by it, Graphically it's incredible, and i'm loving just exploring the universe in my little 100I.

Met up with another player that needed help, i joined him on his huge ship and operated the gunner turret, finding some bounties nearby a huge gas giant, probably my no1 gaming moment.



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