The 'Hiper-Explosive' Club

Had my 580W Type-M for a year now.

As soon as I had it delivered, I replaced the standard 120mm Hiper fan with an Akasa Amber and its been as cool as a cucumber and silent since day 1.

It seems that the Hipers that are blowing up are the Type-R Modular.
You can add me to the list. Had my Hyper 580w Type R Modular PSU which pretty much died overnight after about a year of use.

Wasn't aware of Hiper's record so I had them replace it under the waranty.
My Hiper Type R Modular started whistling when the PC wasn't on after a few years of solid use.....replaced it this week just incase. Still the toolbox is still going strong :D
My Hiper Type R 580 modular died earlier this year. Was fine for the first year or so (enough to get it out of the warranty period) though I think the newer ATI/Nvidia cards proved too much for it. It made a very loud humming/buzzing noise when you turned the power on complete with crackling noises. Didn't bother pulling it appart, I just chucked it into the bin :D

My Hiper Type R Modular started whistling when the PC wasn't on after a few years of solid use.....replaced it this week just incase. Still the toolbox is still going strong :D

Now that you mention that I do recall a slight whistling noise in my room at night as I slept. Went on for weeks :D

Must have been my PSU too.
dug out my old 580w type r after smelling burning, couldnt be bothered sending it back.
im just getting bored doing nothing and took apart the psu and found 2 exploded caps, going to buy replacements and see if it works
still have two, going strong in non-important pc's :)

actually one isn't in a machine, i use it as a motherboard / fan testing unit.

it's a shame they're all dying, i much prefer this type of modular psu to the corsair modules (have a corsair in my gaming pc) -as in just the cable connections i mean.

the 'toolkit' boxes are dead handy though
ok resoldered to new caps rated at higher volts, its actually turns on now, no more whinning not tested in my pc yet, but hopefully tomorrow
Can I join the club? :D

My type R lasted an impressive 23 months, replaced with an 800w BFG.
Dont suppose anyone has thrown theirs out and kept the cables, recently rma'd mine and have lost the modular cables for it, cant seem to find replacements anywhere?
Woah I didn't know Hipers were that bad.:eek:
I've had mine nearly for 3 years now. Still running the same spec in my sig but just added a 250GB HDD. The rear fan doesn't spin anymore and that's just about it. :p

Oh and just a quick question: If my Hiper PSU decides to die, will it take the rest of the components with it?
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Woah I didn't know Hipers were that bad.:eek:
I've had mine nearly for 3 years now. Still running the same spec in my sig but just added a 250GB HDD. The rear fan doesn't spin anymore and that's just about it. :p

Oh and just a quick question: If my Hiper PSU decides to die, will it take the rest of the components with it?

It could do.
You do realise posting that you think its not that bad is jinxing it. I can't remember where I was defending mine however withing a few weeks of doing that mine blew up taking the MB out with it!

I had a HYPER Type R 580W it died on me , i had it less than 3 months !. At first it started dropping volts then it wouldn't boot the system unless the psu was left plugged in and on for 20mins ( cold boot ). After that it died for good.

Horrible psu
Hello from a forum newbie (but not an Oc newbie).

Forgive the slight smoke haze...

Yup, my Hiper 580W type-R Modular has gone phut. Well, gone bang to be more accurate. Unusually, I was shutting down my system when it failed. At the point where it usually goes click and gracefully powers down, it expired and emitted a rather distinctive electrical burning smell.

I can't see any obvious signs of damage - burst caps, smoke or whatever. obviously I can't open the case of it will void the warranty (2 years 11 months into the 3 year warranty). I can't see any damage on the motherboard or video card, so I'm just keeping fingers crossed. I'm RMA'ing it, but it will become an emergency reserve. Given the number of failures it seems to be having, I wouldn't dare run it in anything important now.

The PC is hardly a power fiend. X2-3800 (not currently overclocked) with 3 HDs and an XFX 7800GT factory overclocked.
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