The 'Hiper-Explosive' Club

Chris Beard said:
I'm quite curious how many of those in this club had surge protectors installed at time of failure. Especially those who noticed other hardware was negatively effected - be it death or just smoke :eek:.

I ask not to depreciate your loss - but for consern of my own Hiper Type-R 580W...

If you mean surge protectors as in what you plug everything into yes i was using one. It's not an electricity supply fault. It's the Hipers themselves. They truly are rubbish. Loads of reviews have found them unable to output their claimed 580w and it even blew up one mags psu test kit. :eek:
Add me to the list ,my 580w type R died 4 hours ago,was a loud bang then a burning smell from PSU,guess a PSU component blew ,happened when I was gaming in WoW,ordered a OCZ 700W from OcUK,my hiper was 17 months old,I just hope it did not take anything else out,guess I'll find out Tuesday when my OCZ arrives.
You lot are making me very nervous :eek: I feel like i have a ticking time bomb strapped to my pc! I have just spent a lot of cash upgrading the cpu, ram and motherboard too! Should i just get shot of the Hiper before it goes boom?
Joe42 said:
Welcome to The 'Hiper-Explosive' Club



Following on from this thread ;

and the constant exploding, dieing, and component frying of the Hiper 580 Modular, this exclusive club has been formed.


Membership criteria:

-To have owned said PSU or any other Hiper PSU and had it fail, explode, or kill components.


Current Members List [ 14 ]
-Nickg (1)
-elfy (1)
-pastymuncher (1)
-Justintime (2)
-rafster (2)
-waveydave79 (3)
-Solaris (1)
-Zefan (1)
-jellybeard999 (1)
-Raymond Lin (1)
-dante6491 (1)
-eggcup (1)
-collisster (1)
-sugoi (1)

Hiper PSU Census
-Total PSUs Failed: [ 17 ]
-Total Failed PSUs that took out components: [ 1 ]
-Total PSUs still working(members of The Hiper active club): [ 22 ]

Please make sure you include in your post if the psu killed components when it died or not. If several have died, list them all. Also please say what model of PSU it was, the 580 modular or another Hiper.


This is not supposed to be finger up at those who have Hiper psus and have no problems btw, just a bit of fun, and it is genuinely interesing to know how many people have actually had one of these die, explode, or kill some components.

Thank You :p

hi can i be a member
i had a hiper 580r in black
13months = boom
squealed like a banshee, scared the kids, then went off
fortunately didnt take any other parts with it, another amazing phenomenon, when you put on a bad review of a component on the site, it never appears,,,,,, 'magic', but a good review does!!!!!!!!!!
try it and experience the 'magic'
seen anything with a zero or one star rating????????
citizen__erased said:
You lot are making me very nervous :eek: I feel like i have a ticking time bomb strapped to my pc! I have just spent a lot of cash upgrading the cpu, ram and motherboard too! Should i just get shot of the Hiper before it goes boom?
bet your ass
a powderkeg waiting to go up!
Ah great! That's all i need after the cash i've just spent, another £100 to cough up. All the reviews seemed to be pretty good too. I'll look at getting the corsair and flogging the Hiper (before it goes into hiper space!).
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Update on my Hiper Modular Typr R 580W PSU which I removed from the PC today,date on PSU is September 2005,I'll keep you updated Tuesday on what PC damage has been done if any to my PC,hope for the best as they say.
Hiper 580W Type-M Black PSU off a competitor (eb****
Stopped working within a week, RMA'd and the second one blew up within 2 dont know when as it happened when i wasnt there
Maybe im just unlucky ><

Didnt take anything with it
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i wonder if this is just a mass of bad batches or a certain combination of components or just completely random
I had an old-style 350W Hiper go bang (actually pop and smoke) in my media centre after 7 months. Didn't take anything with it though.

My mate has had a Type-R 580W die on him.

On the power button, fans start up erratically, mobo does not make it to full boot and psu emits a very high-pitched whine, most likely a capacitor looking to go pop.

Haven't tested with another PSU to determine if it has killed anything yet,.
W00t - A new club I can join.

Ok, I have the modular Hiper which has failed (computer keeps turning itself off within 2 secs of being turned on).

PSU hasn't taken anything with it - just unable to sufficiently power my pc anymore.
Another one dead here too... Its the Type-R. Started struggling powering up with me having to press the power switch several times to get it to fire up then one day just nothing. I have replaced it with an antec 430w psu from a NSK6500 chassis for the short term.

Oh and a guy at work(Mancubas) had his die recently too. He just did a rma.

Nickg said:
no components, just left my room with a nasty aftersmell.

hiper didnt even ask what the situation was, or whyat model etc, i jus said i have a busted psu they said when did u buy it and gave me an rma number!

I RMA'd a Hiper PSU due to a failed rail and was suprised how easy the RMA process was, I wasnt even asked what the issue the guy promptly gave me an RMA number and that was that, brand new PSU arrived a week later :D
Tom|Nbk said:
I RMA'd a Hiper PSU due to a failed rail and was suprised how easy the RMA process was, I wasnt even asked what the issue the guy promptly gave me an RMA number and that was that, brand new PSU arrived a week later :D

That's because so many of the bloody things have blown up. They should be good at it by now. They should also be ashamed that their product is so appalling.
add me to the list, mine went last sunday and has just arrived at there hq for repair/replacement. are they still making the 580 type r? or will i be getting an alternative?
hey, only just noticed this thread.

i've had a hiper type-r 580w since the 6800gt was the most popular graphics card going. And i've never understood why people hated this PSU after it being so highly rated before. I never had ticking sounds or anything...


about two months ago my computer wudn't turn on, took my epox nforce 3 mainboard with it. no other mainboard worked. Had to RMA the hiper (rma centre is luckily in my local town *Milton Keynes*)

a few weeks ago i started noticing excessive clicking/ticking sounds. who knows what will happen next ? but at least i can be rest assured thier RMA centre is only a 10 minute drive away as they will also be replacing my Asus P5N Sli with the Hiper.

P.S. Am i in the club ?

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